Mystic Maze

by lightningy
created Sep 29, 2014
400 views | 754 downloads

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/ 5 votes

map notes
Thanks to takari, fireball, and syena for testing. It's fireball's fault/credit that it has music. Worked out a lot of kinks. No camera work because of the route of the map and it feels weird...and I'm not good with it.

This is a map specifically designed to punish dustworth by making him slow.

In case anyone is interested:
Dustkid: See Syena
edited Sep 29, 2014


said Sep 29, 2014
After the third time I fell down and set an earlier checkpoint I gave up and just did the any%. Cool map! I like ones that loop over themselves.
said Sep 29, 2014
I don't really know how to manage it so that falling to an earlier checkpoint can still reset you to where you were. I kinda just mapped most of it myself and figured it out.
said Sep 29, 2014
Place the tiles that trigger that checkpoint are all the way at the bottom and give yourself a way to kill yourself if you fall down. It's nbd tho.
said Sep 29, 2014
i think this map tries to do too many things.

also the rock climbing esque section towards the end evoked some sort of PTSD response in me
said Sep 29, 2014
I wanted to have sections be however you can route it yourself the best. They're uncomfortable and tight, but don't have spikes.
said Sep 30, 2014
Oldworth best worth.
Cool map (except the last section, you know which one). Even though it could need a custom fog trigger and a background :P
edited Sep 30, 2014
said Sep 30, 2014
Yeah...I fell down to an earlier checkpoint too and got stuck. There were two arrows, one pointing to the left and another down. I followed them, and that's where I was led to, although it looked familiar. There was nothing. I gave up.

Just for a little more imagery, I replayed it and uploaded the image that caused me the confusion.

I assume you're supposed to make the extra jump to the right and continue along the row. However, if you drop down the pit without hitting any spikes, you hit the checkpoint and screw yourself, having to restart the entire level.
edited Sep 30, 2014
said Sep 30, 2014
I think that was the only major issue with the checkpoints. Blame the testers and myself for not catching it. The arrows told you to go in the direction, depending on the outlet you came from.

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