Pinky Toes

by Nerphs
created Sep 28, 2014
1436 views | 995 downloads

/ 27 votes

/ 16 votes

map notes
WARNING: if you're like me, and start feeling dizzy after a while, you should totally stop playing. The map changes colors constantly, and even though I've been struggling to make it as smooth as possible, it might get pretty annoying for some people.

This map is based almost entirely on this video.
You can even use the video as a walkthrough.

It's intended to be played as DUSTKID, I don't know if you can beat the level with any other character, but I don't recomend them at all.
Also the map is HUGE, and LONG, and HUGE again, and you should keep that in mind if you're going to give it a try.

Special thanks to Giamma, for making me spend another 5 hours to get the theme of the level a lot more consistent. Seriously, that helped a lot.

So yeah, this map is definitely not for everyone. In fact, I would consider reaching the end a success on itself. It also was a huge challenge for me to create this monster, and I'm glad it's finally over.
It took me around 40 hours to finish. I only used the video linked above as reference, so that means I couldn't check the maps ingame. It has 15 checkpoints, 13 secrets, and somewhere around 90 fog triggers.
It's been an insane week, and I hope I can make use of everything I've learned from this on another map. It will be a lil bit shorter though.
edited Sep 28, 2014


said Sep 28, 2014
I BEAT IT, SCREW SS, 5/5 BEST MAP EVER (I really quite like it, except it's way too long. Huge doesn't cut it.) Also, I'm #1
edited Sep 28, 2014
said Sep 28, 2014
This was a challenge for both of us. Don't worry, you did well.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 28, 2014
Honestly if you cut this up into sections it would be so much better.
said Sep 28, 2014
I thought it was pieced together from a bunch of other maps...essentially. I'm all for more checkpoints though.
said Sep 28, 2014
At some point I wanted to cut it into 3 maps, but the challenge would've lost its sense.
This has been a challenge for me aswell, and I can assure it wasn't easy. But hey, I've also learned a lot.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 28, 2014
Three maps would have been great actually, and still pretty challenging as well. I'm pretty sure the SS for this map is somewhere around 2 min which is way too long considering the difficulty. It's like another yotta, and I haven't even attempted yotta because I know I'll hate it.
said Sep 29, 2014
Long maps are not really my kind of maps and yeah probably cut this one in three maps would have been great. But imho it wouldn't have made much sense since the map is based entirely on the video.
said Sep 28, 2014
Sir Useless
said Sep 28, 2014
Took me 20 minutes to complete and I jorfed at least 3 times. 5/5 Won't play it again.
said Sep 28, 2014
Did this and forgot to screenshot. 9999/1, would not try again.

edit: anyone who can SS this is godly. anyone ELSE who can SS this as someone other than dustkid is a robot or something.
said Sep 28, 2014
so thor?
said Sep 28, 2014
Basicly, yes. or anyone else who is as good as him.

edit: holy crap, someone did it (Shury)
edited Oct 3, 2014
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 28, 2014
My way of getting through levels like this is to just do everything as stupidly as possible. Somehow I beat Syena as well. Of course since I have no interest in SSing this level my first place spot will soon be relinquished.
said Sep 28, 2014
damnit 3rd time you do that. forrosie 4 tossu and now this i beat or get a good time and you just crush me a few minutes after damn
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 28, 2014
Just SS it and you'll have first, I'm done haha four minute SD is fine with me
said Sep 28, 2014
i dont think i can get SS this is too hard for me its just too long to keep concentrating on this near death stuff.
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 1, 2014
I change my mind I want SS.
said Sep 28, 2014
S/C and faster than syena. I will do it
edited Sep 28, 2014
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 28, 2014
But are you faster than the towel.
said Sep 29, 2014
This is like Ted's "The Forest" or doicm's "The City" for Atlas hard maps. So actually pretty cool.
I got my S/D with Dworth in just 43:21 min first try, pretty good if you ask me!
said Sep 29, 2014
I consider Dustworth to be the hardest one. I highly recommend Dustkid still, but hey, I didn't make the level to force using Dustkid so you could play the way you want. So yeah, pretty god job!
said Sep 29, 2014
It's actually alright with Dustworth, didn't try Dustman/girl though. Thanks!
said Sep 29, 2014
Aw man I just watched Syena's video again, damn you did an awesome job!
said Sep 29, 2014
Peppermint did put one hell of a fight <3
Too many layers needed, and so few to use. I hope I did it justice.
Thank you very much for the comment. The map was extremely exhausting to make, and reading this kind of comments make it worth the pain.
said Sep 29, 2014
Dustworth is freaking ridiculous .__.
said Sep 30, 2014
Yea you did a great job with Peppermint. I already noticed it in the first tunnel @ my first playthrough ;-)
said Sep 29, 2014
One of the most ambitious maps on Atlas and it's awesome! Great job
said Sep 29, 2014
It would've been a disaster without you help. Thanks a lot.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 30, 2014
That accidental tera drop after accidentally blowing my super is probably the most awesome thing I've ever done.
said Oct 1, 2014
Omg yes! That was brutal. Also yeah, accidental supers are an issue there. Beware.
And congratulations on sub 3!
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 1, 2014
Man i fudged on the easy part :(
said Oct 1, 2014
Omg that death!!!!!
Please, you can do this! Just look at that speed!
Take a deep breath, you're almost there. Beep boop. Don't give up now.
said Sep 30, 2014
shury 1 step away from confirmed robot status
said Oct 1, 2014
A cautious robot is still a robot.
said Oct 2, 2014
What's my prize?
said Oct 2, 2014
theres no prize i guess. nerphs only said to me the people to get SS are a Syena. so i guess you can call yourself the Syena now lol
said Oct 3, 2014
I'm working on it.
said Mar 26, 2016
I am the Syena of Dustmen PogChamp
said Oct 3, 2014
Finally the last day of work. I don't care how long this level is, how hard it is, or what character its designed for. It's getting SSed tonight with Dustman if it kills me.
said Oct 3, 2014
Awwwwwwww. <3
I miss your Dustgirl though.
said Oct 3, 2014
So close yet so far zzz.

I miss playing her to a point, but I don't miss all the issues that came with her compared to dustman.
said Nov 4, 2014
Wow I was shocked to click that link and see my video.
Your idea for this map is absolutely crazy and I can't even imagine how much effort it was to make.
Seriously, great work! I'll go and play this map but I just watched your SS run and it was just unbelievable.
said Nov 4, 2014
I was trying to make the replay as close to the video as possible, but it's a bit too much.
Thank you very much, your video was truly inspirational.
said Dec 24, 2015
Nerphs <33 I did it! I fucking love this map :)
said Jan 7, 2016
I forgot to tell you how proud I am. Thanks, I'm so glad you enjoyed it <3

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