Over Work

by timelessgun
created Sep 17, 2014
525 views | 872 downloads

/ 23 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
Here a little something i been working on. It not much but still something. hope you like it.
I'm sure i fix all i problem here but if anything let me know.
I will only re upload  this if you guy find something huge with it.
I still learning how to use map editor so got any tips send it my way.


said Sep 17, 2014
Very pretty level and I like the psychological aspect of it but there are issues of flow in here throughout. If you super when you first get it (at the two tires on top of the building) then you destroy the prisms you need to progress. It was often difficult to know exactly where to go inside the building itself as well. Additionally, at the very end you blind drop into a totem that hits you pretty much instantly. I very much like the sense of size, but it could stand to be a little shorter.
said Sep 17, 2014
i wanted you to learn when yo use your super on this map but that is not ok for something you need to perfect this map and im sorry about that and the totem at the end..

I will also make long maps i feel this game it at it best when some one prefect a long  difficult stage. It look great and show the hard work went into making the map and even more  work went into getting a prefect run. I will make short map every now and then but i feel like that playing it safe plus their a huge amount of short map on this site and not enough long maps.
said Sep 17, 2014
5/5 map, I deduct one point for not proofreading.

I keep getting AS. ;_;
said Sep 17, 2014
Sorry English is not my 1st language.
said Sep 17, 2014
just too long :S
said Sep 17, 2014
The path in this map isn't clear

I love the greyscale style, but things are hard to see if you aren't careful

blobs that spread slime is hard to see, the leaves work and are visibile, but they are jsut blob enemies, turkeys wouldve been the exact same and avoided this issue

you have background elements that are still quite dark and can overlap with things you need to see, the prisms are a bid hard to see on the gears etc.

Blind drop waterfall that covers the player. I should be able to easily see my character at all times

more blind drops

You use an arrow, but if your map requires an arrow, the path isn't intuitively clear.
-Make paths that dont require arrows, if player needs an arrow, your design is unclear and bad. change this.

Your background isnt distinguishable from the foreground ocne we are removed from greyscale, particularly the grass. The foreground isnt bright enough. Everything is slightly dark so i dont know which slightly dark things i can stand on, and which I can't

You have a weird habit of really long sections with dust all over, this means if you lose/dont have a boost, theres nothing u can do to gain one and have interesting gameplay. u just hold a direction and are bored for seconds at a time

map is a 2.5/5 from me
said Sep 17, 2014
I get the part with the arrow. It's true if you need a arrow come up with a better route.
with the back ground i can see what your saying i should have use more shade of gray in this map.

I like making long section so player can see what i made. I understand that most player Dont Give Poop, But that why i make, Also to give a break after part that i find hard so you can chill a bit then go back into it.

 I will making so you can speed through it for now on and if you want to stop you can, stop and try again.

I got nothing to say about the waterfall part i like it.
said Sep 17, 2014
keep doing what you do, man. Your maps are better than a lot of the ones on this site, and you'll get better at making less awkward routes as you play more dustforce. Cheers
said Sep 17, 2014
thank you but I a long way to go. So just make sure to tell when i fuck up.
said Sep 17, 2014
Backgrounds and color transition are beautiful man, awesome work!!
said Sep 17, 2014
I loved this map. 5/5 from me, although only one part bugged me, and that was the blind totems at the end of a long run.

I loved the waterfall part too. I don't think there was anything wrong with it (although improvements are possible w/ changing arrow to something more aesthetically pleasing).
said Sep 17, 2014
Finding the perfect spot to super was really tricky. I just found an improvement. Time to grind again.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 17, 2014
Okay, I really like the overall design of the map and the style you went for, honest.  But it's very hard to read what's solid and what's background in some places, and just kindof overloads you.  Plus, forced text triggers get real annoying on repeat attempts... but your english also seems to be awful.  I don't understand if it's an ironic joke or if you really intended for us to see things like "dont loss yourself" every time we play the map.  Please clarify for me.  If you want to use a ton of text triggers again, maybe have someone proof-read it for you.
edited Sep 17, 2014
said Sep 17, 2014
the force text, its not a joke,
 its a story but i really need to work on my text, need to have everything proofread ed.
said Sep 17, 2014
I'll kind of* proofread* your English* in your comments, Shin.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 18, 2014
Very humorous, but if someone is going to force a "story" upon you every time to run a map, asking for correct grammar and no typos is reasonable.
said Sep 18, 2014
Shin IS right
said Sep 17, 2014
Very fine mippity map. It would have been cooler if the colors at the end were more vibrant, though.
said Sep 17, 2014
youre right about the color.
Luke's Cat
said Sep 17, 2014
Um, some bullshit is eluding my broom and rendering my 1:19.XXX runs as AS. wtf i have looked at the replays and the art style which I do like isn't the best for telling if you spread some dust or missed some 3/5.
said Sep 17, 2014
I am in this club too.
said Sep 17, 2014
Im so sorry and i do agree that the art style on this make make it hard to see. i will prioritize making the dust and the enemies better to see over that art on my next make but again im so sorry and hope you can get you 1;19'xxx run i really do
edited Sep 18, 2014
said Sep 18, 2014
This gear motif. I love it.
said Sep 18, 2014
Really cool map, reminds me of Gateway in colour scheme and everything. Very pretty and plays well.

Two things: the text really isn't necessary and kind of distracts and detracts. Let the level speak for itself. Also, there's quite a few places where you can super and completely screw yourself over in the process (check out my replay) because it takes some unseen prisms with you.
said Sep 18, 2014
Gateway was my inspiration for this stage but i forgot to put that in the maps notes. i do know about the super and il go light one the text next time.
edited Sep 18, 2014
said Sep 18, 2014

Just my preference: I think the  "colorful part"  wasn't necessary even though the color transition in the waterfall is nice.

EDIT: oh but you can finish the level in black and white, cool
edited Sep 19, 2014
said Sep 22, 2014
I love this map! It reminds me of http://atlas.dustforce.com/118/gateway
said Sep 25, 2014
Gateway was my inspiration for this stage but i forgot to put that in the maps notes

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