Into The Pit

by videohead
created Jul 30, 2014
412 views | 653 downloads

/ 13 votes

/ 7 votes

map notes
The scientists want to extract some virtualblockium from this pit, but first they need your help to clean all the leaves out of it! Do you have what it takes to descend in to the pit?

Thanks to tropicallo, shin_rekkoha, snow, calistus, invert, viragatespy, and eklipz for testing.
Also there are 2 easter eggs(not counting the science machine thing)
edited Jul 30, 2014


said Jul 30, 2014
This really feels like an official map. I like it!
said Jul 30, 2014
the only problem is that near the end, it gets really difficult to tell foreground from background, you probably could have darkened the background by a LOT - you're really deep in the cave, after all!

this is a really cool map and I love all the decorating you did, it's very pretty
said Jul 30, 2014
Thanks for your comment! The lighting was a lot worse before it was tested
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 30, 2014
I would have to agree about the end but it has certainly improved on the visuals, kind of odd flow but that's just because I haven't played it through enough. Great job!
said Jul 30, 2014
any% hype

edit: I fucking dominated my time by a second.
edited Jul 30, 2014
said Jul 30, 2014
You sneaky any% devil!
said Jul 31, 2014

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