
by Probably not Towelie
created Jul 12, 2014
467 views | 715 downloads

/ 22 votes

/ 13 votes

map notes
Phew, so I'm finally done with this one, took me about a month to complete and I hope it shows. I made it to resemble valley as best I could (in looks mostly) so enjoy!

Employed the help of Calistus and Jvcpro to get this level all tidied up.
edited Mar 19, 2018


said Jul 13, 2014
There does seem to be alot of secrets, great map as always.
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 13, 2014
Thanks fireball, did you find all of them?
said Jul 13, 2014
Would be hard to tell without looking so *looks* I found all but perhaps one which I'm not sure how to get to.
said Jul 13, 2014
This map was kickass. I found the first secret on my first playthrough, though. And also the apple.
EDIT: Layer 20 pls
EDITEDIT: I found the None Shall Pass gate. Monty Python?
EDITEDITEDIT: I found a butler. I think that's the last one.
edited Jul 13, 2014
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 13, 2014
There are five total, one of which you have to continue on after finding another.
said Jul 13, 2014
I found one after the beginning (1), fell and got an apple (2), climbed higher up and found the butler (3), fell through a fake block and then zetta slope'd to a weird sacred apple chamber (4), and then went past the bear in the end with Dustkid and found a "None Shall Pass" gate. (5)
said Jul 13, 2014
Pretty map! I really like the zetta slope/ceiling run after the first checkpoint, it's something I had never seen.
Now I go for the secrets :).
said Jul 13, 2014
Secrets secrets secrets galore! I haven't even beaten the map yet!
said Jul 13, 2014
Is that thing that I go under in my replay meant to be a secret? (lightningy)
said Jul 13, 2014
said Jul 13, 2014
you could make 3 million angled slope maps and i would play the shit out of every single one
said Jul 14, 2014
Incredibly good level Towelie!

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