Cubic Temple

by Riokaii
created Jun 1, 2014
602 views | 791 downloads

/ 18 votes

/ 11 votes

map notes
I made this map in one sitting from start to finish.  Its quite long, and decently hard but should have some really solid gameplay!



Probably not Towelie
said Jun 1, 2014
The main problem in my opinion is the lack of recovery time, I'm not the most technical player in dustforce but I would say I'm half decent and this is pretty extreme. It would be much more fun if the sections were spread out a bit or even if the level was shortened by a bit. I mean, if you can't SS your own level in a few tries it's getting to be a little over the top. I do agree that the gameplay is solid but the fact that it's compacted so much and is such a long level really detracts from the enjoyment of the level. That being said I will take the time to SS this but it will probably take quite a while.
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 1, 2014
Also spike placement is absolutely atrocious.
said Jun 1, 2014
can you elaborate on the spike placement?
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 2, 2014

I mean... there are four big ones but the overall spike placement made me frantic and spam keys that I didn't need to hit or accidentally jump into a wall of spikes because the corridor is too small, plus that area with dust on either side after the first dustblock drop was pretty dumb...
said Jun 2, 2014
im kindof confused on the ones at the bottom of the slopes, you shouldn't really hit those ever.
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 2, 2014
Well when people try to just drop down and miss the slope hitting the spikes there its pretty annoying. I don't get why they were in there to be honest. Also one of the checkpoints does not activate even when you go through the area, it only activates if you jump up and die in a weird place.
This one:
said Jun 2, 2014
Pff, what an ordeal. Another one to put on my resume.

I'm not the biggest fan of varying the dash walls and the jump walls so much, it was often unclear what I should be doing. Also, there's no way to go back to the areas where you super if you didn't know they were there.
said Jun 2, 2014
Woa hard map :D I am gonna need to practice this a bit!
said Jun 2, 2014
the map is pretty hard, but i really like it. the jump from the first pic from towelie is so annoying and it feels very random. also the first super feels pretty random. the other parts of the maps are solid and i really like the way you have to play this map :) 4/5
sry for bad english ^_^
said Jun 3, 2014
your english is fine yo :P
said Jun 4, 2014
Finally got an SS. An enjoyable level, but definitely one of the hardest I've played.

My biggest criticism would be that there's one jump that's way too tight with Dustman, bordering on pixel perfect. I wouldn't be surprised if Dustgirl can't make the jump at all.
said Jun 4, 2014
couldn't get through with dustkid either
said Jun 4, 2014
i was able to get thru the map with dustkid with all dust collected. It's a hassle and    pretty annoying, but its possible
said Jun 4, 2014
I can't get past the 4th checkpoint (position 8) without a jorf because i can't reach the entity behind the wall :/
said Oct 6, 2014
This is fucking gold. Holding this against you for every map you make from now on.

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