Sky Gardens

by Meark
created May 31, 2014
781 views | 991 downloads

/ 33 votes

/ 12 votes

map notes
Meant for The End to be my last map, but I couldn't help make another. Somehow the file got corrupted so I made this map instead. Hope you guys like it.
retagged May 31, 2014


said May 31, 2014
Another Meark map!  It's like Chistmas!
said May 31, 2014
Haha thanks Slayer. Christmas came early and might end. xD
Probably not Towelie
said May 31, 2014
Wait I never got the memo, why are you stopping?
said May 31, 2014
No memo. xD I think I just need to let my creative juices recover. I feel like my maps are dry and dull even though I've been trying to work on my flow a lot since my very first map. Plus Dustforce has been bugging out a lot for me which makes me sad. :(
edited May 31, 2014
said May 31, 2014
If it helps, I had some qualms about your earliest maps' gameplay (even if the scenery was always great), but that has kind of dissipated recently. You're making all-round fun maps now.

This one is fun too, very vanilla.
said May 31, 2014
Yeah I think I'm more of a scenery guy and not a very good map maker, but thanks that means a lot.
Probably not Towelie
said May 31, 2014
I think another collab map is in order :D
said May 31, 2014
I dunno maybe.
said May 31, 2014
Clearly, after The End, we all died and this is heaven

the meark map timeline continues to intrigue
said May 31, 2014
That song is fitting for beautiful floaty ruins and greens I like it
Probably not Towelie
said May 31, 2014
I wish it was possible to include the new album  lifeformed has made. Or at the very least the original Robot Science soundtrack for the prototype version released awhile back.
said May 31, 2014
I just spent 3-4 hours playing this map :\ why can't i rate it 6 hearts.
said Jun 1, 2014
Really awesome map, the visuals are just great
said Jun 1, 2014
Glad to see that The End is not your last map :).
You are more a scenary guy because your maps have always a new and fresh setting, and nobody has your creativity. It doesn't mean your maps don't have a good level design or they aren't interesting to speedrun.

Stop looking for excuse to not making more maps :P.
said Jun 2, 2014
awesome as usual :)

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