Worldwide Nexus

by lawatson
created May 18, 2014
774 views | 713 downloads

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map notes
It has taken me so much time and effort, but I have finally created a new nexus! It does not use up your keys, so you can go to levels freely. NOTE: This is a custom map so you should NOT use it for speedrunning.


said May 18, 2014
Note that to make this, I had to find each and EVERY level file from levels2 (And they are really mixed up names. like mary2 for backup shift). I also had to place each and EVERY DOOR. All. 57. Levels.
EDIT: I know that it's not as fun without exploration, but I just simply made it for going to each level without a key.
edited May 18, 2014
Probably not Towelie
said May 18, 2014
That's really cool watson, thanks for putting in the effort!
For future reference there is a spot where if you are not careful you can fall through the map, right at the mansion section.

I think this would be an awesome idea to use for putting all of one particular person's maps in one place, therefore making it much easier to navigate the level select. If levels are placed in the "levels2" folder you can make a door to them in a personal nexus. Man! This is seriously cool!
edited May 18, 2014
said May 18, 2014
Where can you fall through the map? And why a particular persons levels, why not just levels you enjoy. Who even has that many maps other than yourself or meark
Probably not Towelie
said May 18, 2014
It doesn't matter dude you can do whatever you want, that's whats cool. Also I think it would be really cool to have a separate nexus for a particular person only because of the different map types that people use. It could be considered a separate game if it could be arranged in the same fashion as the stock levels.

Oh and there is a blip in the slanted wall that if you hit it just right you fall right through.
said May 19, 2014
This is incredibly useful, because Steam keeps resetting my save file for some reason. Thanks a bunch!
said May 19, 2014
The reason this doesn't link to custom maps is because the doors only call levels from the levels2 folder. Also, I HIGHLY DISCOURAGE using this map to get to new places early when you're new to the game.
said May 19, 2014
A new note, I have a theory. In some way, you could put custom map files into the levels2 folder and have the doors refer to THOSE. Considering someone has the maps installed, they could create their own nexus for the custom maps, too! Does this seem valid?
EDIT: As all theories go, I will test it and see how it works.
EDITEDIT: IT WORKS! I tried it by putting a map (Baby Yotta) into the levels2 folder and then putting a door down that refers to the level name. I tried it, the door works, and the level opened perfectly!
said May 19, 2014
*Triple post incoming* One question remains, though. Is there a way to do the above WITHOUT moving something to levels2? I don't think I'm gonna be able to figure this out on my own.
said May 19, 2014
Moving it to levels2 is what towelie suggested, and i see absolutely no point in putting all maps from one maker into a nexus on their own that seems like it would be extremely bland. However, if you were to group by category i think it could turn out really neat, a sorta "Alpha Map Pack" for PC, we could even race custom map tracks..... Someone get on a large custom nexus! If nobody else does i probably will within a few weeks.
Probably not Towelie
said May 19, 2014
I'm already starting that idea. Except I will need maps to put into certain sections. The only reason I said from a particular maker was personal organization. It gets annoying to spam the up or down key when you have more than 100 levels in your custom maps folder.
said May 20, 2014
I was thinking of something like this
said May 19, 2014
Oh, I forgot towelie stated that. I do love the idea for an alpha map pack nexus, though!

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