Relaxing Intensity

by lawatson
created May 6, 2014
465 views | 669 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 4 votes

map notes
My second map using the Level Editor. I have lots more knowledge on good level creating now, so I hope good and positive feedback is received on this one. It is playable on all characters (I've play tested it and can SS on each one, but Dustworth is kinda iffy), too! It uses regular elements used in Dustforce levels, and nothing should be too hard. Have fun!


said May 6, 2014
I hope it's LOADS better than the last one, I'm becoming more used to the controls and movement and I have to say that this is a LOT easier to play through than the last one. I've finally got the camera right for each specific part, so it should be easier to see.
Probably not Towelie
said May 6, 2014
Leaps and bounds my friend nice work on this one, I like the little inclusions from a few levels such as Ghost Parapets and even the Nexus.
said May 7, 2014
I'm glad you caught on to that. Once I reach the Difficult stages (I only have six red keys), I will make my stages a tad bit harder. You're correct that the two parts are from Ghost Parapets and the Nexus.
said May 7, 2014
much better than the last level! next time try throwing in some stars? good work man
said May 7, 2014
Indeed a very big improvement. Keep it up!
said May 7, 2014
Wow I would not have expected such a great map coming so soon after a map like AlphaBeta, well done.
To keep people happy, avoid large amounts of dust on walls during long falls, because in order to do them fast you need to superdrop (you'll see it if you watch my SS replay) which is very inconsistent and luck based.
I loved the yotta theme, and the inclusion of a lot of mechanics from the stock game.
The map maintained a great flow and didnt feel awkward to play (superdrop aside).
5/5 from me, keep it up :D
said May 7, 2014
Yeah, I caught on to that. It's a slight flaw, but it doesn't screw up the opportunity for an SS, so I will just leave it like that. Also, thanks everyone, for the positive feedback!
said May 7, 2014
The map has officially reached 40 downloads! For this, I'll reveal a little something special about the map. When I was designing it, I found a few windows of opportunity to put some *other* things in, and not just the level path itself. You may have even noticed some odd camera angles...
EDIT: 50 downloads, hurrah!
EDITEDIT: 68 downloads, are you kidding? I guess I'll say that there are specifically TWO secret locations in this map, both of which can be reached with either Dustkid or Dustworth.
edited May 8, 2014
said May 9, 2014
Nice and relaxing.

I kept getting A, then i notice the dust behind the spawn XD
said May 9, 2014
I didn't know that would actually be a problem. Continue searching for the secrets (Or if you have already found them, feel free to talk about it.)
said May 11, 2014
I would like to congratulate Opnauticus for being the first one to confirm finding the secrets!
said Jul 12, 2015
I would like to congratulate dustforce for becoming this old and the community for surprisingly still playing it. Last congratulations towards hitbox for making a great game, although it was easy to grow tired of.
said Jul 12, 2015
aa the nostalgia pains me

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