
by lawatson
created May 2, 2014
415 views | 586 downloads

/ 10 votes

/ 2 votes

map notes
Recent fix has added two checkpoints. It is a simple challenge for a good Dustforce player. Have fun!


said May 2, 2014
incredibly annoying
said May 2, 2014
said May 2, 2014
I saw this before I played the level and I was like "dang Morelia sippin on that haterade" but then I played the level and I was like "dang"

So to start, you're not supposed to "fix" your levels or reupload levels really. It screws up leaderboards pretty bad. Aside from that, the level was pretty frustrating. Just adding a camera would have made the super non-obvious routing a lot easier to handle, and the bit at the end where you have to blind-jump from circle to circle really just isn't fun.

Don't be discouraged though! You've got some fun ideas in there, and if you can apply advice and improve your map making skills, then you've got the makins 'a greatness in ya bud!
said May 2, 2014
Thanks for the feedback. I'm gonna use this knowledge to further optimize future levels I make. I just can't get the cameras worked out yet, I WAS going to implement a farther range camera for the map. I'm sorry the level was annoying, but I hope you enjoyed it at its best.
said May 2, 2014
I am not a stranger to pain, don't worry.
said May 2, 2014
I'm pretty sure they were only actually annoyed by the reupload. The level itself is not even that bad, and I'm really looking forward to your next one.

(by the time I could actually SS it I was actually having fun, but the idea is that the level flow nicely from obstacle to obstacle on a first run, instead of making the player wonder where to go.)

If you need help figuring anything out, add me on steam and we can run through anything you're having trouble with. :)
said May 2, 2014
I think you should just probably play other people's levels (and the default maps) for a few more hours. It seems you don't yet grasp how the gameplay mechanics work along with the level design to make fun gameplay. Asides from technical difficulties like having absolutely no idea where you're going during the circles part due to the zoomed in camera, the routes you make available do not feel very good to learn and traverse.

Try checking out more of the popular maps around here and I think soon enough you'll start to see some patterns that could help you in improving your level design.
said May 2, 2014
Teach me how to map, Kuro1½-senpai!
said May 6, 2014
I've went through a lot more levels, and I am noticing that this really doesn't suit much anyone's play style. I've made a new map which pretty much everyone should navigate without too much pain. It has a better level design than this one, I can assure you that!
said May 2, 2014
*crawls out from shadows*
I think this one is really cool and interesting, like a puzzle. A lot of things are placed in ways that are kinda unusual but not difficult, so you have to learn how to optimize for a whole new set of environments and it's a good new way of thinking through how to play a df map
*scurries back*
said May 3, 2014
This is why it felt refreshing. Unfortunately the complete non-linearity of the map combined with a complete lack of checkpoints (2 is not enough. There should be at least 10) makes learning the maps route tedious and unfun. Perhaps just from a "try to get to the end alive once" perspective its a cool map, but unfortunately from a "try to SS this quickly" perspective the non-linearity and lack of checkpoints breaks the map.

I guess the best advice I can give you is
either A: make shorter, smaller, more linear maps.
or B: lots, and I mean LOTS more checkpoints. I'm trying to create a quick route through this level, and I have to replay most of the level every time a route doesnt succeed.

I dont mean to discourage you from making maps, dont take my criticism the wrong way. Its just important that you understand the process that a player goes through to route a map, and this long, non-linear, checkpointless style ruins the map for the vast majority of us.
said May 3, 2014
Well, I agree with more checkpoints. Because I don't want the level to be punishing for giving us something unusual. But at this point, sooo many of the same map are being pumped out, and here's this one which does something a little subversive of those expectations! That's exciting I think!! I want to see more of it

So......... my advice is to keep making the weird ones like this, don't be afraid to leave them a little rough if it can't be helped
said May 3, 2014
I agree with you! It's nice to see maps that deviate from the way most maps are structured at the moment.

This map does have its flaws though, as others have mentioned, but I hope to see more from you watson! :)
said May 3, 2014
Thanks for the feedback, people. I'll go play some other recommended levels to try to give you a better map for the future.
said May 6, 2014
Okay, everyone. I've made a new map, and there isn't any stupid optional path this time. I've learned to make the map clearer to see with the camera positioning and size, and no crazy circles like this one. It should be loads easier than this, suited for every playing style and character. I hope you like that map better than this one, and please give helpful feedback!
said Jun 16, 2014
I remixed this because of how terrible it is.
said Mar 28, 2015

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