Dusty Days

by Aurum_Arc
created Dec 29, 2013
434 views | 422 downloads

/ 13 votes

/ 8 votes


map notes
This is my first map that includes ideas that I had been stewing on for a while.  I originally made this as a challenge to my brother to try and SS, and later took out the rediculously hard areas so I could post it and not get impossability complaints.  There are areas that many may have seen, and there are original ideas I incuded as well.  The only thing that should be hard is the length, everything else is pretty straight forward.  I hope all enjoy, and I look forward to the first SS :)


said Dec 30, 2013
You're right in that the length is the hard part, but a lot of my deaths while trying to learn this map felt somewhat out of my control. Then again, the path is also a bit ambiguous. Maybe I'm playing it wrong, which is making my deaths feel bad?

Edit: ez
said Dec 30, 2013
calistus wins patience award
said Dec 30, 2013
said Dec 30, 2013
omg what is this
said Dec 30, 2013
the three large prisms attached together in the thumbnail are not rotationally symmetrical 0/10
edited Dec 30, 2013
said Dec 30, 2013
Bugged me more than I would like to admit :o
said Dec 30, 2013
Would've been easier to use that gray background stripe to guide the player through the level, I think.
said Dec 30, 2013
Thanks for all the input! :) I enjoyed watching the first SS and I have new ideas and things that I will change as well for the next! The more comments the better!
said Dec 30, 2013
My only comment is to not use death zones as guides to the level, the player can't see them, so when you're trying to figure out where you're supposed to go it's kind of infuriating.  Just use spikes instead.  22 degree ones if you're concerned about people spike jumping where they shouldn't.
said Dec 30, 2013
You have cool ideas, but try to limit level length to less than thirty seconds if it's going to be this hard

Also you might want to look into having a trail of camera nodes through the whole level to guide the player, the few you have are not enough
said Dec 30, 2013
Don't put drops that are unforgiving and if you do, do it in the beginning of the level.
said Dec 30, 2013
said Dec 31, 2013
That one bit was killer, not even the drops D: You can see which bit i mean in my run, under Madtato if you want, because i have no clue how to explain it .

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