Above The Clouds

by StraightZivens
created Oct 12, 2013
303 views | 438 downloads

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/ 5 votes

map notes
Sorry to upload this so many times but I finished it in my previous upload but it didn't upload all of the death zones that I put down. Or at least I don't think it did because i died in places I shouldn't have. As of for checkpoints? I'm sorry...


said Oct 12, 2013
you should add some visual cues that indicate which way the player is supposed to go. i was very lost the first time around.
said Oct 12, 2013
i like all those clouds. looks really nice. just got a lot of AS' and couldnt see what i missed. it's a bit dark too
said Oct 13, 2013
Really cool idea a map in the clouds :D, it's really nice and looks awesome! Sometimes it's hard to see the dust underneath the clouds but most of the time it's easy to spot.
said Oct 13, 2013
Yeah, it's my first one, I'm still figuring out the editor but thanks for the feed back. I like the idea of being in the sky so I made a short level but the next one I make will be a lot better. I got some really cool tips that i couldn't find from searching online.

Now my only issue is how to reset the background to daytime once you use a trigger. The answer is no where online...
said Oct 13, 2013
didnt know how to explain properly.
u can find a lot of information in the help menu of the level editor @ triggers :-)

just in case: layer 18 is for the player + entities, layer 19 for the collision tiles.

btw if youre going to use the stars, dont forget to set 2 fog-trigger above of each other. otherwise stars wont appear :P
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 16, 2013
I would highly recommend not making almost the entire level out of dustblocks. Secondly, do not put large drops in without either widening the camera angle so people can see what they are dropping into or arrows (and lots of them) to make sure they don't completely miss their jump. What would have been a good idea for that first large drop would be to make a passage way with the clouds (like where there are no clouds).

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