
by DustBear
created Sep 28, 2013
624 views | 744 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
Experiment #4

Tried to make a longer than a minute map. Tried to make it have some teeth.

Spent a week on this off and on and finally got tired of looking at it.

Called trustfall because of that drop at checkpoint 4 because... well.. reasons.

Sorry for deleting the old version, this really felt like it needed some checkpoint tweaks (thanks furkie!).

Plz to be having fun. Or don't <3

Thanks to ghtrost and Seight for beta testing.


said Sep 28, 2013
good map :) a bit challenging but it's a fair challenge i think. also found one obvious secret didn't bother looking for more yet.
said Sep 28, 2013
thanks. originally the map had 2 goals:
1) Take longer than the typical 20 seconds

This was more of a challenge to myself because I wanted to see if I could do it.
I usually prefer the maps that take me 20-30 to complete because I can grind them out without too much frustration in messing up at the end.

2) Be a step up on the difficulty scale.

I think i kinda overshot this one. Originally I just went spike crazy and laughed maniacally like a mad scientist with his new favorite death ray. I still wanted there to be breather spots so I wasn't completely unkind and left some areas unspiked. I thought I had a really supertough section with the 1st part of the map and then found my tester Seight just  doing back to back walljumps. At that point I realized I didn't want to try to make a hard map.. I just wanted a map that was fun to play.

So i ditched most of the spikes. Probly a few too many in the beginning for some but I liked the flow of it too much to water it down.

It warms my cockles that you think its a fair challenge. <3
said Sep 28, 2013
FUCK YO MAP. IT GAVE ME TRUST ISSUES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 5/5 fun.
said Sep 28, 2013
This mapmaker is not responsible for your mental stability and denies all liability regard neuroses garnered upon contact. :)

Also thanks, glad you like.
said Sep 29, 2013
This map is really good. Unlike African.
said Sep 28, 2013
the start of this map is everything but enjoyable for our old man :(
said Sep 28, 2013
Shoo Marksel. Go play my vertical map >:[
said Sep 29, 2013
Yeah i heard someone spent a lot of time there ;(
said Sep 29, 2013
But I heard now they're the Belle of the Ball (tm).
said Sep 28, 2013
Turned out really well! Liked all the changes you made from the original.
said Sep 28, 2013
said Sep 29, 2013
said Sep 29, 2013
i'll try to get 48:--- for you :) brb
it feels stupid to waste time
edited Sep 29, 2013
said Sep 29, 2013
holy crap it took me a bit to realize it was 39,40,41 etc that's perfect.  it'd be a real shame if someone were to ruin it by getting a better time.
said Sep 29, 2013
Haha. I would but I don't much like the end of this map.

EDIT: Looks like someone else did it for me.
said Sep 29, 2013
Guess I'm not improving my time...
said Sep 30, 2013
Tropicallo and Takari ruined it :(
edit:so i did it too.
edited Sep 30, 2013
said Sep 30, 2013
Scumbag Takari and Tropicallo... :(
said Sep 30, 2013
While leaderboards may be transitory, the memories will be forever.

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