New Moon

by Sivade
created Sep 24, 2013
537 views | 832 downloads

/ 22 votes

/ 13 votes

map notes
My second map. Nothing amazing but I hope you'll enjoy it. Map is SSable with all chars although it might be a bit tricky with dustworth/dustkid.

Also a quick thank you to Ylva, Shurykan, Furkiepurkie, and Takari(also suggested map name for me saving me boatloads of time trying to think of something on my own) for testing the map and giving me some feedback.
retagged Oct 6, 2013


said Sep 24, 2013
I liked the colors and the flow.
btw, if anyone want a challenge try to copy my ss run.
(im the guest with 25:833 currently)
edited Sep 24, 2013
said Sep 24, 2013
thanks :)
said Sep 24, 2013
What is with all the shameless self replay advertisement......
said Sep 24, 2013
I like the colors and the flow, but not that drop through white dust blocks
The fall from up high doesnt feel like it gives you a good way to center before the much smaller opening you have to fall through, and the bright white dust blocks during the fall make it hard to see your character during the drop which obviously makes keeping in the center more difficult than it ought to be. Other than that, love it ^^

Color scheme looks great btw. Love the white dust with red prisms etc. Just not the white dust blocks during the fall XD
said Sep 24, 2013
i lined up that big prism and the arrow where you fall with the gap so if you have trouble with it you can spend your jump from hitting the big prism to get a bit of time to line yourself up with the prism/arrow before falling. i guess it's still a bit of a blind drop either way but i wasn't sure if i should just make the camera range massive up there before falling to make it easier.
said Sep 24, 2013
nah it doesnt seem too bad, just feels weird at first. Not minding it so much anymore :p
said Sep 24, 2013
twilight sux
said Sep 24, 2013
You just couldn't appreciate the deep and complex undertones of their love!
said Sep 24, 2013
seight confirmed tween girl, heard it here first
said Sep 24, 2013
How could you possibly resist the sparkling vampires? You sir have your priorities all wrong, and quite frankly, are missing out on some of the greatest literature and film making of our time.
said Sep 24, 2013
This was great, clean and simple, fun map.
said Sep 24, 2013
cool stuff. keep it up!
said Sep 24, 2013
good work man! i'm glad that you're being consistent with your maps; this one shows a lot of improvement over the previous one! i think you could have used a tiny bit more decoration, but that's really my only complaint.
said Sep 24, 2013
thank you:). i did consider decoration for a little bit even glancing at some other virtual type levels i had downloaded but i just didn't know what to do with it. i'm not super creative so if i make any more maps they'll probably be similar to this one or my first map.
said Sep 28, 2013
Clean, Simple, Fun. I love it.

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