EklipZ Downhill Marathon

by EklipZ
created Sep 21, 2013
1080 views | 909 downloads

/ 18 votes

/ 11 votes

map notes
Please comment and compete, will read comments etc.

Lets get this out of the way- First time map maker, so no pretty scenery, sorry.

So I'm trying to become a top level player, (in actual seriousness, I think I will be) and so originally this was just gonna be a shorter version of downhill, because I have a lot of trouble hitting that down-dash into dashing after coming off the 2nd slope, which is keeping me from getting below top 100 (which I can easily get into on most of the levels I currently have SS'd). Then I got the brilliant idea of making it a marathon and seeing how the top players would time their dashes and stuff.

Originally intended as a fastest time map, dust was thrown in to make routing more challenging for those route-oriented. Tops of hills are all different so the map doesn't get as confusing at high speed, and the numbers indicate the height of the drop to flat ground at the bottom, in case that info helps make top players lives easier.

Good consistent dashing practice, as well as the drop practice. Hope to see some good replays from you guys to learn from <3 cough Krankdud, Thor, cough

Would really love to see some well executed replays, but if it gets boring I understand :3

Heres to hoping I get consistent enough at it to keep in the top 10, but not too sure how likely.
Actually inb4 dash-macroers take all the top spots >>


said Sep 21, 2013
Fun, but I keep pressing the dash key too quickly after the post-slope drops ._.

Also, ew macros
said Sep 22, 2013
You say, ew macros. But I apparently macro, so i gotta love them.
said Sep 21, 2013
Gotta SS it man :3 I'm getting the SS run down now ^^
said Sep 21, 2013
I totally do, hahaha
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 21, 2013
SS'd in 33 seconds but man is that boring haha also the leaves are placed in such a way that you are not able to get a good jump in before the ramp
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 21, 2013
Where is Seight? I feel like he would be good at this map.
said Sep 21, 2013
I'm pretty mediocre at downhill actually.
said Sep 21, 2013
Yeah that was the idea towelie :3 You either get good jumps and go for a fastest time, or you have to route optimally for some inoptimal leaf placements. I'm hoping some of you top guys spend a little bit on an SS route, I dont wanna end up the top position on my own map :p
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 21, 2013
You'll have to work for it hahah currently I have almost 10 seconds on you
said Sep 21, 2013
I'm working on de-virusing my little bros laptop atm, so haven't been able to fully invest myself in the SS ;P
said Sep 21, 2013
I still hold the fastest time though >:)
said Sep 21, 2013
Oh, and hey whats with the ceiling slide at the start of this / Downhill? I do it cuz everyone else does it, but I dont really know why we're doing it, it doesnt get you any faster than dash speed, does it? If not, then whats the point? Does it just shift you a tad to the right or something so you end up a few pixels ahead? I haven't bothered capturing video and comparing since its easier to just ask :P
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 21, 2013
Not sure, I just do it on impulse haha
Oh and my SS now is faster than your CS :D
Oh wait you mean right after the 321? I'm definitely not sure why people do it, it actually slows you down a bit. They might think it gets them a good ground-boost but it just stops them and takes up more time
said Sep 21, 2013
doesnt Thor do it in his run? He's normally pretty crazy optimized o.O you sure it slows you down? now Imma have to check that, tomorrow though, bedtime for me. I'll beat both your fastest time and SS time tomorrow, you can count on it :3
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 21, 2013
I don't like Thor.
said Sep 21, 2013
ooh, why? o.O
said Sep 21, 2013
Because he is Batman. And DiTThO also.
said Sep 21, 2013
Shut up
said Sep 21, 2013
Thor is 2 pro. The only reason that people do that is habit from the original downhill and in that it was an attempt at getting a boost. It has absolutely no change on the time.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 21, 2013
Not to mention he is a total copycat. Hate that guy.
said Sep 21, 2013
To be fair his SS run was pretty much the exact same as yours, just executed a tiny bit better lol. Least his Fastest Time run was original :P

Also didnt realize African was a dash macroer o.o
said Sep 22, 2013
LOL, I didn't realize that i was either. Cool shit.
said Sep 22, 2013
It can't be helped that strats get copied, when there is no faster way, there is no faster way...
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 22, 2013
then your strat didn't work and you need to find a new one, it sucks when leaderboards are filled with the same runs over and over. The game loses it's fun when people just copy you to beat you.
said Sep 22, 2013
I totally agree, and that's why for my own enjoyment i make my runs unique if possible. Such as in Yotta Casual i specifically went a longer route just to spice things up. However, when you want a top time, you have to use the fast strats. :/
said Sep 24, 2013
>I retract the dash macroer accusation btw, was just a suspicious looking replay. Just so I've publicly pointed out he's not, in fact, a macroer
said Sep 24, 2013
Why thank you.
said Sep 21, 2013
Please don't use stock levels to upload custom maps as they will give keys (while it isn't that much of a big deal, it's still quite annoying imo).

I know that recreating the whole map might be more time consuming but putting more time into a map to prevent it from having bugs and whatnot is well worth it.
said Sep 21, 2013
Oh my bad, I had no idea, I'm new to this whole thing, sorry about that :s

Also it wasn't originally intended to be uploaded, it was just a me-practicing-down-dashing-onto-ground-while-keeping-momentum thing, which turned into something half decent. It was buggy during map editing as well, I should have assumed it'd do odd things :P
said Sep 21, 2013
break thor/seight's dash keys to become #1 great idea
said Sep 21, 2013
Oh you joke but I just got done replacing a controller when R1 completely died. :(
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 21, 2013
Seight is a nice guy though, it's that Thor we gotta nerf. That guy crushes anyone's hopes and dreams of getting first on a map in this game.
said Sep 22, 2013
Who says Thor isn't nice? He really is a good guy as well. He does the same as everyone else, compete for top times.
said Sep 21, 2013
hilariously guys, I think my fastest time route is actually the fastest route out of all the replays I've seen, I just misstimed dashes. And forgot to super at the end cuz I was talking on skype :D
I'm fairly certain if I executed it right I could easily take that 1st from Thor, I'll have to do that :3
said Sep 21, 2013
Congrats on the Apartments top 10, look forward to seeing more of you around.

And as others have said, don't build off of ingame map files, you get rewarded a key when you beat them which is weird.
said Sep 21, 2013
Thanks, I plan on getting a lot more ;3 Park will probably be my next target, I have a soft spot for that level cuz it was my first top 50, and was the level that taught me how to control my momentum well :D
said Sep 23, 2013
Omg I just realized African uses macros in all of his runs holy crap!
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 23, 2013
actually he doesn't, a dash macro looks way more intense and his dashes are just a tad inconsistent meaning it's him hitting the dash key. Look at some top runs on downhill and you'll see what a dash macroer looks like
said Sep 23, 2013
Damn, called out twice in one level comments. No faith in the black guy?
said Sep 24, 2013
its okay people don't like people who downdash multiple times in midair. sometimes my own replays look macro-y
said Sep 24, 2013
I down dash multiple times all the time before I hit a slope. xD
said Sep 23, 2013
You made Thor want to take 1st on downhill...
and he did....
said Sep 23, 2013
said Oct 30, 2013
Needs more death zones... See my Derpy replay for why!  (You might have to wait a while!)

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