
by yay899
created Sep 3, 2013
442 views | 668 downloads

/ 10 votes

/ 6 votes

city short easy

map notes
I started wanting to make a Canabalt themed map, but couldn't think of a good way to do the windowey bits so I ended up making my first city themed level. It's pretty short, but I put more time into the background this time around than I have with my other maps. Have fun!


said Sep 3, 2013
lol my first run is so clutch
said Sep 3, 2013
missing death zones, small camera with no idea where you're going, annoying places where u can't heavy

Checkpoints placed in midair
said Sep 4, 2013
Going to try to fix that soon. See my reply to Towelie for details.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 3, 2013
It's a really good map if you fix everything TheBirdOfPrey mentioned in his comment (lol). Don't get discouraged though, just upload a v.2 of it with the fixes implemented and you will have my seal of approval! :) Although I didn't encounter any annoying places that you couldn't heavy so don't worry about that one. The visuals are excellent as well, it's just a question of making sure the kinks are all sorted out. If you have any trouble with following levels you make, just let a fellow dustforcer know and we can playtest it for you! That way you can upload a problem-free map first time. :)

Edit: I'm sorry I'm treating you like a beginner while you already have tons of maps up... You obviously already know about the playtesting thing already haha but still just keep it in mind!
said Sep 4, 2013
I'll try to touch up the level today, but I might not be able to do it for another week because I'll be away from my computer.

As for the missing deathboxes I just realized there were none on the final jump, so if you miss the monsters you'll be stuck. I didn't notice that floating checkpoint until after I uploaded the map too, so I'll definitely get other people to playtest before I upload next time.

The only thing I've done in the past is quick fixes before anyone's actually downloaded the map, so I deleted the old post. Is it common practice to delete the old post when you upload a second version?
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 4, 2013
yes it is, that way people don't download the old version and accidentally downrate your new one haha
said Sep 4, 2013
beautiful map, and the ending close up is just gorgeous!
the secret is epic as well :D

Only disadvantage I noticed was that mid-air checkpoint...
said Sep 4, 2013
Thanks! Going to fix that checkpoint soon, hopefully.
said Sep 4, 2013
dat ending closeup
said Sep 4, 2013
The moon lining up was pure coincidence too!

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