
by yxlplig
created Aug 13, 2013
567 views | 698 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
This map is meant to be pretty hard especially the part where you have to dash under the 4 barrels. It is totally possible to boost off the crumbling ramp at top speed but the timing is extremely tight (I'm hoping to see someone do this, it's like a 1 in 25 chance when I try to do it). It is also possible to just stand on it for a moment and dash off of it.
retagged Aug 20, 2013


said Aug 13, 2013

I love the way it looks, but...well, let's just say I'm never gonna SS it.

OK maybe I will eventually but damn.

EDIT: OK that part isn't as bad as I thought it was.

EDIT2: So now that I've SS'd it, gonna give it a proper rating. Visuals are beautiful, but the level is just too tight in multiple areas. For example, the dust on the ceiling at the start does not need to cover the entire ceiling; it's waaaaay too easy to miss the dust at either end. The boost slope traps and the gigawall at the end are just cruel. The camera doesn't show enough of the map in any of the drops, either, and drops of faith aren't too fun.
edited Aug 13, 2013
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 13, 2013
Welp, my replay is bugged haha
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 13, 2013
More importantly this map need better camera sizes for the drops, they rely on such blind faith, (reminds me of one of my older levels) it takes away from the whole map when one part (that should be the easiest part) ends up being the part you mess up at the most.
said Aug 13, 2013
The main reason I didn't zoom the camera out in those parts is because I don't know how to work the camera. BUT like you said, that part it not intended to be hard. Maybe it only makes sense to me because I made it, but the intention was that after you reach the second checkpoint you want to build up and preserve your forward momentum on the first three slimes, and then the arrows are cues to dash (they are also halfway points to aid in timing your attack). If you do the lead up correctly you will always be in the correct spot to down heavy the next two slimes.
edited Aug 13, 2013
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 13, 2013
Ah makes sense but the cameras are really easy to use, all you do is type in a larger window area, I think the default is 1080, at least on mine, for this part it would have been good to use... maybe 1400? For a map with a lot of small areas a changing camera size can add a lot to the overall feel of the level.
said Aug 13, 2013
Alternatively you can adjust the size by clicking and dragging the frame of the window.
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 13, 2013
I didn't know that myself, thanks Kurooone
said Aug 13, 2013
Pretty cool map, the art and the name is really nice. The 4 downward firing things reminded me of the 4 heart valves/chambers, if that was the point. Small things like that are just really cool.
said Aug 13, 2013
I'm glad you enjoyed it, however I'm not nearly that clever. The color scheme was actually a last minute change. The 4 barrels were there from the start.

I was considering using slime instead of virtual leaves and turn it red to fit the theme even more, but I didn't see any way to make that stuff a different color than the tiles. Also I thought it might be a little garish, so I didn't pursue it.

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