
by Probably not Towelie
created Jul 27, 2013
659 views | 869 downloads

/ 21 votes

/ 13 votes

map notes
This map is almost entirely about keeping your dash-speed. Remember its not always about how much height you have but the dash into the slope. You'll see what I mean in my replay or if you figure it out yourself. Let me know as soon as possible if there is a visibility issue and I'll fix it right up. Enjoy, and remember to tell me what you liked or didn't like.
edited Mar 19, 2018


said Jul 27, 2013
yay this is fun! if you don't wanna go crazy with dashing it's still an enjoyable jaunt. i also love narrative levels. 10/10 would escape again
said Jul 27, 2013
I like abstraction, but I feel like the narrative could have used (a very little) something more concrete. It's just, very open-ended and I think it could fit a huge range of more specific scenarios. Although I DID take it to mean something personal to me. I felt that the flowing of the level with a "trapped" narrative makes TOTAL SENSE and I love it.

But WOW keep making narratives you guys I love them.
said Jul 27, 2013
Can't make it to the final platform without hitting the edge as dustgirl. :(

Other than that fun stuff!
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 27, 2013
Didn't stop me from getting sub 29 :P give it another shot!
said Jul 28, 2013
Yeah I knew your old time could be beaten, I just didn't really wanna spend a ton of time doing it to have you crush mine by just cruising over the platform and immediately supering with dustman haha. I dunno, I should just play dustman on these kinds of stages I guess.
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 28, 2013
I think the only difference between them is that dustman has a slightly higher jump, I could be wrong though as I've seen that dustgirl is normally used for fast dash sequences.
said Jul 28, 2013
Nah they jump the same height, he just maintains the peak of his jump longer than her. Their attack ranges are slightly different as well.

Edit: I feel dirty, someone wipe the blue away. :(
edited Jul 28, 2013
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 28, 2013
Oh calm down, dustman is just a good all-around character :)
said Jul 30, 2013
seight: your name looks so weird next to dustman's icon^^
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 30, 2013
Plus I think you have room to improve ;)
said Jul 31, 2013
I'm both amazed and confused how that run was faster than mine. Someday I'm gonna figure out what I'm missing about dashing that you just seem to get Towelie. :(
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 31, 2013
Timing my friend, timing.
said Jul 31, 2013
You can call it timing if you want. But I know exactly what it is, voodoo witchcraft. Its the only explanation.

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