Beginners Imagination

by SethNote
created Jun 30, 2013
535 views | 663 downloads

/ 17 votes

/ 10 votes

map notes
Well then. This is  my first map . . .  I have friends who are Dustforce-obsessed, while watching them create maps, I felt like having a go at this map making.

I am not a hardcore player, I'm not even close to the difficults yet. Doubt I could even complete a casual.

So, My map is not about difficulty or complexity. I was experimenting and making things look pretty. I'm naive to the ways of pro map making. And its pretty long, Im warning ya now.

Well If you play it, gimmie some feed back :D Yeah!

Also: I better give some credit to  said friends who inspired me. SINWillett. SIN helped me fix up amateur mistakes like check points and ending the game flags.

And to Magnetbrainn who gave me the helpfull feed back I needed.

Neato. Well Im more of an artist then a gamer so yeah, excuse the misuse of Spikes.  

edited Jun 30, 2013


said Jun 30, 2013
Hey, I didn't really say much this time around :P
said Jun 30, 2013
But, what you said to me when you first played it reallly... helped me fix it up.  Seriously you helped me lots ;D, thanks man.
said Jun 30, 2013
Damn I wish I picked up on dat any% earlier you coulda put a 1-way portal in
said Jun 30, 2013
Unexpected giga wall strikes again
said Jun 30, 2013
Haha yes that was SIN teaching me how to make them. I decided to keep em haha~
said Jul 1, 2013
it looks nice, i feel like if you tried a concept like this again once you really got better at map making or whatever. it would be great. but atm it feels clunky and awkward, that spazzing out on corners and weird dust placement etc. makes it not as good as it could be. excited to see what you make next though! we need more artsy maps.
said Jul 1, 2013
Aw~  Thanks Man. I shall actually make another map then. :D
said Jul 1, 2013
I kinda like this level and you can pass the giga walls without (giga walling?) them
said Jul 1, 2013
Yush = u= I kept it that way for people like myself who suck at giga walls.
said Jul 1, 2013
This level looks stupid, no flow, sorry.
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 1, 2013
Well that's of no help to him at all, why not lose the disrespect and give him some helpful feed-back.
said Jul 1, 2013
I think it would feel a lot better if all the tunnels were a tile wider or something, its feels pretty awkward going through them; especially with how long they are. An issue that is kinda related is that I wish the spikes and dangerous parts were sooner in the level so you didn't have to wiggle yourself all the way through the tunnels and then pray you don't die sliding all over the place near the spikes, then having to go back to the tunnels if you die if you want to SS.

Definitely potential here though, don't be discouraged. =)
edited Jul 2, 2013
said Jul 1, 2013
Ah~ Yea the wideness.. was a problem, I found that playing as Kid worked well though~.  And thanks ffor feed back  Hah Just what I neeed.

Ps:what did you think of the colours and spike/dust choice...??
said Jul 2, 2013
Visually it looked pretty good! If the tunnel parts were quite a bit shorter and easier to navigate I think this would be a really solid level actually, both aesthetically and with how it plays.
said Jul 1, 2013
My criticisms are with the tunnel width as well, so I won't go into that.  I did like the use of spikes as decoration.  Adds a bit of color to contrast the the otherwise monotonous metal tunnels.  Slime placement felt a bit weird, though that could be a side effect of the tunnel width.

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