
by Nerphs
created Jun 30, 2013
1135 views | 904 downloads

/ 35 votes

/ 15 votes

map notes
I'll always keep the sensation that I've left something to polish on a map, no matter how much I try them. Oh well...
Map based on another game. A little fancy game. Hope you like it.
There's 2 secrets to find. Let me know if you find them.
retagged Jun 8, 2014


said Jun 30, 2013
I grinned a lot because I like twa, but I basically had no idea how to do each room and sort of awkwardly bounced around to get all the dust
said Jun 30, 2013
I don't like it when there's a single way to do the things because it makes people forget how to think. I mean, I like the obvious routing sometimes, but I also enjoy the satisfaction when finding my own strats.
There are some good paths and some looks quite awkward. So I'm sorry if it looks weird on first try, but I'm not going to change it, because it was actually intended.
said Jun 30, 2013
This is a cool answer. I used to be conscious of this but I guess I forgot. Thanks!

Actually wait, that's sort of how Thomas works anyway. What am I doing!
said Jun 30, 2013
this was amazing. wow. the pathing in this level is so fresh and unique; an absolute joy to play. reminded me of Prince of Persia—a sort of "movement puzzle" whose objective is progression to the next area.

i think oldworth is a little op on this map, though. i'm not good enough with him to execute them, but i do think a few of my strats are faster than what any of the other characters can do.
said Jun 30, 2013
Everyone has its moments, I don't think the other ones are worse. I even thought he was the worst. I'll wait to see the scores anyway.
Also thanks for the comment. It means a lot. Seriously.
said Jun 30, 2013
It's great except for the loading parts. Did the color changing not look good w/o it? Or was it some aesthetic thing?
said Jun 30, 2013
i think they're a homage to the original game (whatever it may be)
said Jun 30, 2013
Looked kinda weird when trying to balance the speed of camera / sense of separation between colors / time spent in the corridors because I obviously don't want to screw the combo.
So I went with that hoping it wouldn't be too annoying. Had to tone it down quite a bit.
Also homage, like voxanimus said.
said Jun 30, 2013
I had a lot of fun figuring out the rooms :D
Btw congrats on yotta :p
said Jun 30, 2013
Wooo thanks, although I almost broke my hand and the replay is sooo broken :(
Felt good anyways. Might try to improve it one of these days.
said Jun 30, 2013
Really cool map! Loved it.
said Jun 30, 2013
Hoorray! Thanks a lot.
said Jun 30, 2013
Really well designed but one minor-but-actually-pretty-serious flaw is how slow the transitions are from the white triggers to the following. There's 2 parts that almost require you to jump before the transition is over to get the optimal jump (both the yellow sections), and you're forced to do them nearly blind.
edited Jun 30, 2013
said Jun 30, 2013
True. I felt that the blue one would be the only one, but I still tend to dash midair to climb the square.
Problem originated when realised that cameras influence the time when fog triggers change. I tried to avoid unfair deaths and such, but I couldn't make the transitions longer or keep you stay on the floor much longer. That would've make every section the same.
I totally understand you though. I've tested it so many times I totally forgot I was doing it blind. Huge mistake. My bad.
said Jun 30, 2013
Thomas Was Alone has got to be one of the greatest games I have ever played.
If that's the game you were referencing.
said Jun 30, 2013
Man this is a really hard map if you have as terrible memory as I do haha. "What color is coming next? Do I need to jump here in the white?!"

But yeah amazing map Nerphs, like usual. =P
said Jul 1, 2013
Dude, I had the same problem. Took me forever to remember it, and I was supposed to do because it was an homage lol
Also I was waiting for your comment. No map is finished without a comment from you. :)
said Jul 1, 2013
Aw thanks. :D

On a sidenote I might need to try Thomas was alone now. Only seen little previews of it before.
said Jul 1, 2013
this map inspired me to go play it (got it with one of the humbles) and i am not disappointed at all. hella fun.
said Jun 30, 2013
i cant find the secrets :/
said Jul 1, 2013
I found the second (I think) but I have no idea how I found it. The background in the final  scene (after I complete the level) has changed...
edited Jul 1, 2013
said Jun 30, 2013

Thomas was alone. Wow. A weird first thought to have.
Thomas decided to start listing his observations, for posterity.
1. The whole 'alone' thing.
2. Portals: they led somewhere, he had yet to work out where.
3. Falling: Thomas was absolutely fantastic at falling. He was almost as good at falling as he was at observing

Christopher took an immediate and deep dislike to the skinny red rectangle. Who the hell did this 'Thomas' think he was.
Chris had been doing FINE. He wasn't the highest jumper, but he had held his own. He'd even been graceful at times.

John knew. He knew that this was his chance, a moment to shine. This, was game day.
This would not do. John needed room to show off his exceptional skills. As it was, he was trapped, on the wrong side of these little dot things.
Where did they come from anyway?
Ah. John inhaled the air of the open space, and it smelled of AWESOME.
Time to flex those muscles, to put his training to use. Time to show these little dots how it was done.

So this was how Claire would die. She knew it would happen eventually.
She was rubbish at jumping and she moved slowly. She felt a little like her continued existence was breaking some kind of natural order.
The crumbling pillar was a dramatic death, she supposed.
Wait. What? Claire couldn't shake the feeling that she was not, in fact, dead. It was at that moment that Claire realised she had super powers.

Laura was pleased this one was behind a wall. Maybe he'd never know what she could do. Maybe, maybe they could just have a conversation, hang out.
As long as he didn't find out what she could do. Which would never happen, so long as they stayed separate.
Laura didn't have time to worry about the omnious pixel cloud. It had been following her for some time, and it had kept itself to itself until now.
As the square, who had shyly introduced himself as 'Chris', bounced atop Laura, she began to worry that he was just using her like all the others had.
They'd all bounced too, and then they'd disappeared when her back was turned.

James had always been different. And not different in that kooky "OMG, you've totally got to meet my mate James, he is literally insane!" kind of way.
He'd not seen anyone else in a long time. Not since getting eaten by that cloudy, pixely thing. He'd turned up here, in some kind of cage.
He'd gotten out, but it had taken a long time.
James liked being alone. No one to insult him, or question his unique disregard for Newtonian laws. "Hey Jimmy, where are you going? UP!!!!??!".

Sarah leaned her wisened head back and laughed. Ha! The quadrilaterals were apparently after some friends of theirs. How petty an adventure.
She spoke, in terms she could only hope they'd understand, of the fountain of wisdom. The channel through which all data flowed.
Sarah could leap in the very air itself. She was like an eagle. Or a flea.

Thomas knew he'd never meet Nathan Fillion, or a Transformer. He'd never get to visit Gotham City or eat at Mooby's.
It didn't matter. If he and his friends jumped into the creation matrix, they  could give everyone else in the simulation a chance to.
said Jun 30, 2013
Wait was that really all of the dialogue in game? I guess it's a lot when actually narrated but wow
said Jun 30, 2013
Nah, he's missing a fair bit.
said Jul 1, 2013
1-2 levels of narration for everyone. I'm guessing that means the level was good.
You forgot one section though, which might, or might not, be a secret. <3
said Jul 1, 2013
I only used the first level or two when the characters get introduced aswell as the final room in this map, aswell as the final room for Thomas and his buds.

And since you asked, !SPOILER!

Thomas looked at the glowing beam. That list he'd been writing seemed pretty petty now. This, this was all knowledge, all of it, right in front of him.
He was sorry Sarah couldn't step into it too. He could tell she felt the same way. From the shouting. And the screaming.
Thomas was connected to the internet for 12 seconds. And he had seen everything. He had seen the cats who couldn't spell, he had heard of the arrow through the knee.
He felt that there was a thing called cake, but that it was a lie.
Thomas knew where they were. He knew what they had to do. He hoped the others would understand. They were just beyond the next portal.
edited Jul 1, 2013
said Jul 1, 2013
Nonononono it's okay you don't have to.
said Jul 1, 2013
Well, Takari... You just convinced me to write up all the dialogue to Thomas was Alone.

said Jul 2, 2013
Wow, the blue and purple parts are just beautiful. Five hearts for you, sir.
edited Jul 2, 2013
said Sep 10, 2014
dude this is a great  map keep up the good work

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