Down the Rabbit Hole

by Magnetbrainn
created May 19, 2013
566 views | 825 downloads

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/ 7 votes

map notes
This is a multi-route map. No dust as well, so either path will give you an SS.

I made the level a little bit to-the-theme of The Matrix. In particular, the scene with the blue & red pill.
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.".

So, if you take the blue pill, your mind continues to believe everything is as it was earlier. Nice, soft blue colours. Things don't seem right, however. Strange things are happening around you. Yet you still press on, as if everything is normal.

But, if you take the red pill, your mind begins to realize the truth. The stark, blood-stained colours surrounding you. The constant threat of danger. The pain, the horror, the agony.

I'm still very new to mapmaking, so any form of feedback is greatly appreciated :)

EDIT: It's so much fun watching you guys take the blue path :D You try play the level as someone normally would, and then you fall for my illusions :3

Also, I do plan on using the illusions for an Ocarina of Time themed "Lost Woods" sort of level. Anybody have some ideas for the illusions? I've already thought of bits like covering up paths (what you can see at the fake finish for the blue path), covering spikes, monsters, etc.
It's pretty cool for easter eggs too :D
edited May 19, 2013


said May 19, 2013
The blue route was fun!  Nice concept :p
said May 19, 2013
Thanks :D
I'll definitely be using the illusionary thing on another map. Stay tuned :3
said May 19, 2013
nice map but in my run i found a place that finish the level... wierd
said May 19, 2013
I knew I should've kept that hole plugged up D:<
said May 19, 2013
thats kinda makes the level unspeedrunable(?)
said May 19, 2013
EDIT: I misread what you said :/
Because the hole is two blocks deep, you could fill in one without making it a surface used for the slope.

ORIG: it's the only hole that does it as far as I can see...
besides, you can still do it if you play legit :P
edited May 19, 2013
said May 19, 2013
Really nice map, I took both pills !
said May 19, 2013
I can't believe Gordon Freeman let you :O
said May 19, 2013
Pretty neat! I like how equal the two routes are, timewise, which is a damn impressive feat. The illusions work well, too - they trick you, but they never screw you over giving you unfair deaths.
said May 19, 2013
Making the two routes was actually harder than I expected. Making them both equal timewise just involved speedrunning both parts, and adding on bits to flesh it out. Thinking of ways to flesh it out, keep a flow, and have a fresh idea. Was tough, especially on thr red path.

I do plan on using the illusions for an Ocarina of Time themed "Lost Woods" sort of level. Talk about multiple routes, haha.
Probably not Towelie
said May 19, 2013
Dude! You should do a "temple" level from Legend of Zelda OoT!
said May 19, 2013
But what temple should I do? :O
Maybe something like Ganon's Castle, haha. Mixture of all of them.
That'd be tough to make though :|
Probably not Towelie
said May 19, 2013
Beat you at your own game seight ;) also cool map! really like the double routes and the illusions
said May 19, 2013
Pfft 7itay started it! Couldn't win doing it legit. :(
said May 19, 2013
Do it legit anyway :/

Seriously though, I can't believe I forgot about that hole.
said May 19, 2013
I did! It was a lot of fun. I just wanted to see how low I could get the time when I was done playing. Towelie being Towelie though destroyed me at another dash heavy map like usual. =P
Probably not Towelie
said May 19, 2013
I thought the red route was the most fun, blue one had a lot of those "well that wasnt there before" kind of slopes haha
said May 19, 2013
The red route was more fun than the blue, yeah. I personally prefer maps that have trick jumps & all, instead of just spamming dash.

But the blue route was made to be a bit more of a statement like "Hey, look at what you can do with triggers!". It's a brilliant concept IMO, and definitely useful for adventure maps, as well as trolls. And easter eggs.
Probably not Towelie
said May 19, 2013
Oh no doubt, it was just really funny when I expected a jump at the beginning the first play-through haha
said May 19, 2013
Haha yeah, I still fall for that all the time :P
The only annoying thing is that the 45° square is a slightly different shade of blue :/ I couldn't change that without either changing every single trigger on the blue side, or having to scrap the idea.

And the fade-in timing is just comical :P

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