Area Place Location

by krackocloud
created Apr 26, 2013
541 views | 760 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 10 votes

map notes
Revised/new version of Place Location

Camera and color fixes. About double the length.

In this map I waste several color schemes.

Please point out significant issues immediately so I can fix them asap!
edited Apr 26, 2013


said Apr 26, 2013
this version is much better, still has some small akward parts.but i like it

I'm still having some camera issues with any% tho
edited Apr 26, 2013
said Apr 26, 2013
Uh oh!
Unfortunately yeah, the map camera follows a single path which I should've known would cause problems somewhere. Can you give me some instances where the camera gets in the way?
said Apr 26, 2013
as far as i can tell its jsut the beginning. I should be able to go left and up onto the platform. then jump up twice and spikejump and attack to get my aircharge back and make it onto the left wall with the dust and light prisms above.  But the camera doesn't follow you. To the knowledge the rest of the level the camera is fine.
said Apr 26, 2013
Hm, ok. I know I could make the camera split, but that makes things look pretty weird...

At the very least, it's only one spot right at the beginning. I'll keep looking into this, but don't be surprised if I can't come up with a nice solution in time. :/
said Apr 27, 2013
Thats why I started used detached cameras. Makes things a lot easier :B
said Apr 27, 2013
any% route is very fun except the camera part at the beginning
said Apr 27, 2013
yay this is so much fun! i'm a bit miffed that i can't figure out where i am missing dust, tho. help, please?
said Apr 27, 2013
at 1:26 you forgot a patch of surface dust on the wall.
said Apr 27, 2013
thanks, kuro :D
said Apr 27, 2013
The second half took some getting used to, but man such a good level. Nice going Kracko. :D
said Apr 27, 2013
I really liked it.  Thanks for updating!

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