Reversed Exa Difficult

by TheBadger
created Apr 13, 2013
8645 views | 699 downloads

/ 8 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
SO i really liked 53rdturtle's maps so i decided to make a reversed map myself (as if it's hard to do xD)
It's pretty much the same map though i added some prisms near the original beggining.
As a bonus it actually has an any% route instead of JUMP, JUMP, BAM, DONE.
Enjoy :D
retagged Apr 13, 2013


said Apr 13, 2013
I know this might be a, "DEATH TO THE HERETIC!" type comment, because the original Exa didn't have them, but it would have been nice to have a checkpoint somewhere in here.  Maybe make a platform after the spiky pillar bit and add it there. The end requires fairly precise movement/height, and only being able to practice it 1 in 5-10 tries is kind of annoying. Maybe that's just me though.
edited Apr 13, 2013
said Apr 13, 2013
i agree with you. this level needs a checkpoint as much as regular exa does. (A LOT.)
said Apr 13, 2013
well i did adjust the camera nodes so you can actually jump down from the first platform to that area and the camera will follow you. But i did in fact consider adding some checkpoints but as you said the original doesn't have so i held back...
said Apr 13, 2013
Aha, so that was intentional. Pretty thoughtful, sir. Also, this is the first reverse level I've seen that actually kinda works. Although the last going up part is a tad too precise.
said Apr 13, 2013
@TheBadger: Yeah I noticed that after I finished the level, wish I had seen that sooner.

The level is ok without them, but just like regular Exa, either you're good enough/grind it out enough to get through the whole thing in one try, or you're forced to any% it and stuck with that. It's just kind of a frustrating design imo.
said Apr 13, 2013
@Kuroonehalf: Well since in the original version EVERYBODY goes around those pillars i thought i wanted force poeple to be inside the cramped space they avoided and it shouldn't be easy... it is a difficult after all.
said Apr 13, 2013
It's not so much that it's difficult though, it's just really finicky. You have to jump slowly so you can get the most vertical distance possible and then you have to do really quick lights before jumping again.
said Apr 13, 2013
Reversed Reversed Exa :D

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