No Jumping

by Tropicallo
created Apr 6, 2013
715 views | 937 downloads

/ 17 votes

/ 12 votes

map notes
Created for the SRL custom map race.

A note to racers: Dustkid is at a slight disadvantage on this map compared to the other characters.
retagged Jun 8, 2014


said Apr 6, 2013
howd you disable jumping? this is so weird!
said Apr 6, 2013
okay i opened this in the editor, and theres a couple things i'm wondering how you managed to pull off. first off, there's some sort of custom trigger at the beginning. how'd you make that? also, it seems you managed to resize the radius of the fog and ambience triggers. how'd you pull that off?
said Apr 6, 2013
he built his map on top of the nojump trigger at the beginning of the tutorial
said Apr 6, 2013
You can change the radius of a trigger by first selecting it, then clicking anywhere on the circle and dragging
Probably not Towelie
said Apr 6, 2013
Very cool, I also like the super drop for the any% that you seem to put in a lot of your maps haha
said Apr 7, 2013
Awesome level. When I first saw the replays I thought everyone wasn't jumping because of some rule in the custom race or something. Kinda blew my mind when I actually -couldn't- jump.

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