
by Damselfly
created Mar 25, 2013
625 views | 804 downloads

/ 19 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
This took me ages, I couldn't stop working on it :P


P.S Do not enter the exhaust from the boat!


said Mar 25, 2013
holy crap this map is long. needs more checkpoints imo. background is hard to distinguish from the foreground. and its hard ot tell what parts to do first or skip etc.
said Mar 26, 2013
Haha, yeah, it is. I first intended it to be less then half this length, but I got carried away :p

I can agree with you on the checkpoints, will keep that in mind for future levels. I could also have made the background a bit darker, it turned out this way because I'm using a program that adjusts the luminosity on my screen(I'm using a fairly big TV-screen). It looked fine for me, and I didn't think about turning the program off to see how it would look like without it. My bad!

The locations at which one might not be sure where to go during the first couple runs of the level are my attempts at having optional routes. I guess that might not have turned out as well as I had hoped, if it caused confusion instead of variation. Noted!

Thanks for commenting =)
said Mar 25, 2013
Really could use some more arrows.  i had to play through the map twice to figure out what the intended route was, however it actually plays pretty well for a long map once you figure that out.
said Mar 25, 2013
An epic map in the real meaning of the word, looks and plays terrific, and is huge but never quite unfair. Some minor caveats I had were the lack of checkpoints and the increase of difficulty towards the end rather than vice versa, but it's very minor.
said Mar 25, 2013
Only 3 sigfigs? For shame!

Looks excellent, and a good difficulty for something this long.
said Mar 25, 2013
I feel like that bin at the end wasn't the fairest level design decision you ever made.
said Mar 26, 2013
Haha, you're right, sorry about that one :P I can see how it could be slightly difficult to beat without your super. I kinda assumed that the player would always have the super at that point.
said Mar 25, 2013
The level has some really cool parts but it's much too long for my patience. I think this would have been more enjoyable if divided into 2 levels.
said Mar 25, 2013
Also, wow my replay desyncs really bad o.O.  Seems like its happened a lot more recently.
Probably not Towelie
said Mar 25, 2013
Nice level! Kinda sucks when I get so far only to be thwarted by some spikes but no matter its a great level, also for my first try I missed an entire section thinking it would come up or I would go back to it so some arrows might be in order.  I once launched my super too late and was unable to continue at the gargoyle dash, an exclamation point symbol could help a lot.
said Mar 26, 2013

I definitely agree about the gargyole dash part, the map was close to finished when I first realized that they could be accidentally wiped with the super below. I couldn't think of a way to let the player know not to use the super too far up, without redesigning that area
Probably not Towelie
said Mar 26, 2013
No worries, it's still and excellent level :)
said Mar 25, 2013
LOL noobslayer's run bugged so hard
said Mar 25, 2013
I improved my time a little bit.  New replay shouldn't desync.
said Mar 25, 2013
hm I like the level. Then again, I seem to be the only person in this game who doesn't try to ss every level they see, so the length isn't a problem.
Spoon Pandemic
said Mar 26, 2013
You're doing it wrong.
said Mar 28, 2013
Bit too long, but it flows really well. I'm so bad at the last third of level, ugh.

Edit: Woops didn't realize I was like 3 days late rofl, I blame classes getting the way of janitoring duties :(.
edited Mar 28, 2013
said Mar 29, 2013
Haha :p I'm doing my best to not get carried away length-wise with my next map. Thanks for commenting ^.^
said Apr 17, 2013
Really well done, but like Seight said, it's a bit too long for me to want to SS it.
said Jun 27, 2013
I still play this one a lot hi

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