Digital Flora

by BatElite
created Feb 24, 2013
627 views | 731 downloads

/ 19 votes

/ 17 votes

map notes
This was an attempt to use as little space for platforms and spikes as possible.

The death-boxes start at the orange part at the bottom.

This is made around Dustman.
edited Feb 24, 2013


said Feb 24, 2013
Hah, 15 minutes!

The visuals are really great, and the level is brutal, but also has pretty perfect placement of the tiles. One thing that doesn't quite work though is the readability - the single tiles make it hard to see what you're even supposed to be doing in the next part, which is frustrating if you have a level this hard. Would've been nice if the dust was another colour, or something. Other than that though, great and inventive level.
said Feb 24, 2013
Hah the part where you move horizontal but keep falling is pretty cool. It is a really quirky level where besides execution, figuring out what to actually do is part of the challenge ^^
said Feb 24, 2013
Taking precision platformer to the extreme

Edit: it could also use a few more checkpoints, I've completed it but my run took too long, not because i didn't figure out how to do something for ages. But simply because there was too much between a checkpoint that i couldnt progress without LOTS of attempts

jk just did a psuedo any% route. im on teh boards :D
edited Feb 24, 2013
said Feb 24, 2013
Nice Map its fun figuring out how to do certain stuff. I like that its designed around Dustman and a challenge for Dustkid to SS gj on that one.
said Feb 24, 2013
I agree with bird of Prey.  This map is awesome, but could do with a few extra checkpoints. With the difficulty of the jumps on this, any area with flat ground where the player stops naturally should have a checkpoint.  I love difficult levels, but if I can only complete one section once every 20-30 times, doing the section after that will be extremely hard to learn without a checkpoint.
said Feb 24, 2013
Dustworth claims top spot! =D
Took me waay too long though, but it was fun. =)
said Feb 24, 2013
Oh god, I was taking a break from yotta runs to visit the atlas, and I come across this map... not much of a break at all.
said Feb 25, 2013
breaks...? what're they?

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