
by jdude0822
created Feb 13
78 views | 3 downloads

/ 6 votes

/ 2 votes


map notes
After some thought I think this map is WAY too jank so I'm going to publish it as is. I do think its kind of fun to play, but also really frustrating with how specific some of the gameplay is. I'll figure out something better to replace it.

Camera is mega screwed up at the end but dont want to spend extra time on this.

Should have a replay up on it under "Guest" if  you want to see somewhat intended strats. The super was definitely in mind for the end however, there are intended strats where you heavy both the garg and flag at the same time if you dont have a super.
edited Feb 13


said Feb 13
i still think its pretty fun, but some of the route was hard to understand at times.  camera at the end like you mentioned was also kind of an issue lol, but not the worst once you play it a couple times
said 5 days ago
The flag ending is the best

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