a castle in a forest

by olivierstein
created Dec 10, 2012
393 views | 587 downloads

/ 5 votes

/ 4 votes

map notes
I made this level as a timelapse for youtube (you can see the video and the progress of making it here: http://youtu.be/nJgfCDk7l1s ).

This is the first level i've actually 'tried' to make properly :P If you like it please comment, and i'll gladly be making more levels!

re-uploaded to add level end and fix light layers
edited Dec 10, 2012


said Dec 10, 2012
It's nice enough, but it's just.. a small castle with dust everywhere. There's no real flow to it, and there aren't very many ways to non-linearly go through it, either.
said Dec 10, 2012
ok, thanks, thinking of a making one again soon :D

This level was mainly supposed to be just a castle in a forest, and I get what mean by it has no real flow, thanks for the feedback!
said Dec 11, 2012
I thought it was nice.  I got a good flow down on it but it took some thought.
said Dec 11, 2012
thanks :D

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