
by dcbc1000
created Apr 16, 2023
342 views | 960 downloads

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map notes
This is my first level. IDK what to mention. I have only tested my level with dustworth so may not be possible with all characters. This started as practice for controlling jump lengths so movement may not flow too well early in the level.
retagged May 29, 2023


said Apr 16, 2023
You should join the discord! We have a map making channel where people can play test your level and give suggestions. I'd recommend making some some more checkpoints to make trying some of the large jumps more tolerable to test.
said Apr 17, 2023
Thanks for the advice.

Ok. My bad. I made more than twice as many checkpoints and then removed them before publishing because I thought there were way too many and they interrupt the progression of the level.
Originally I put one after each set of obstacles, lol. Then I changed it to before and after the hardest sections.

Regarding the discord, I will consider signing up although I am wary to keep the number of groups I am joined up to low in order to avoid clutter and being flooded by spam. Having other people to help me playtest would be a massive help though but I am unsure how long I will stick around with the game or whether I will make more levels.
I just made this level because I was exhausted of the grind to double-s all expert levels and I wanted to practice dustworth's movement. So I made a level that is probably like 10x harder to double-s than any that I have properly beaten. :/
edited Apr 17, 2023
said Apr 17, 2023
No problem, its a fine map for the purpose you listed!
said Apr 16, 2023
Another note about the checkpoints is that you usually want to make it take up a larger area so that the player can't miss it.
said Apr 17, 2023
Thanks for the advice.

When testing, I would place a checkpoint and put my spawn directly on top of the trigger to speed up the process of testing that section (because I am not that skilled of a player so it would take to long to reach manually).
After some testing, I moved the checkpoint trigger slightly ahead of the checkpoint on most checkpoints to ensure the player had actually reached the platform rather than missed it by a small margin because otherwise the trigger would extend to before the platform.

In all that, what I am assuming that I missed, was that the checkpoint trigger is way too short and should probably extend much higher which was made even worse by moving the trigger forwards.

Am I correct or is there anything else to that?
edited Apr 17, 2023
said Apr 18, 2023
I meant that you can place more than one translucent white square for the checkpoint trigger. Putting it slightly ahead is a good idea, but at least 3 or 4 squares high so that you can't jump over it accidentally

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