Upward Movement

by Juney-Blues
created Mar 2, 2023
307 views | 436 downloads

/ 4 votes

/ 1 vote

map notes
Re-Upload because i accidentally made the name too long last time and it broke the leaderboard lmao
(between you and me this level is still called "Upward Movement (Dustman Owns), alright? >:3"

Vibes very much inspired by Dave Strider's apartment complex, you even enter the medium near the end of the level! isn't that neat?


said Mar 2, 2023
Pretty cool map! Sadly, the name's too short, so I can see how much better everyone else is on the leaderboard :(
said Mar 3, 2023
Strong first map :D. Hope to see more from you.
Also, if you're not already maybe consider joining the dustforce discord. There's a mapmaking channel, and lots of people to talk to if you're ever looking for feedback of upcoming maps. There's also a big upcoming team based community event where mapmakers and players of all skill levels are encouraged to join.
said Feb 15
I hope you come back
said Mar 9
one day soon ,,,
said Jun 29
come back the world needs more homestuck dustforce maps

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