Night Patrol v2

by Hoshikudaki
created Nov 19, 2012
432 views | 680 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 7 votes

map notes
Reupload of my Night Patrol map, included some extra detail and fixed a trigger.


Probably not Towelie
said Nov 19, 2012
Difficult to see at some points where youre supposed to go but otherwise its a great map.
said Nov 20, 2012
I wanted to put arrows in to point in the direction but felt like it would be too out of place. Might be possible to put in signs post but it would conflict with the silhouette design of the level.
said Nov 22, 2012
If you place the signs in areas where you can see them easily, then you could probably just make them all black to match the silhouette-look. I didn't have too much of a problem getting around, though. Good map :D!
said Nov 23, 2012
Good idea, I was thinking of signs with an arrow on them, but an arrow shaped sign would work better.
said Jun 26, 2023
Thanks to you, I have a lot of fun with your levels.

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