Night City

by hgt
created Feb 7, 2021
314 views | 347 downloads

/ 5 votes

/ 1 vote

city short

map notes
Had fun with the decorations this time, probably lacking gameplay-wise, I will try harder next time.

P.S it has an apple but the deathzones reach further than I thought so I think that its impossible.

P.P.S I did not intend for the checkpoint to be like that.
edited Feb 7, 2021

1 comment

said Feb 8, 2021
I had a hard time seeing the first playthrough. the colors all have a simillar gray tone to it making it feel dark. The mixture of layer 19 and other layers could be improved. Gameplay i thought this was enjoyable so good job there. Spend sometime messing with fog triggers. Visibility should always be near the top of priority imo

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