
by Jvcpro
created Jan 30, 2021
488 views | 372 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
I really truly hope I'm not forgetting something or missing something here but if I am and something doesn't work as intended I'm sure it will be fine.

Highly recommend having SFX/Music/Particles on but you do you. Map was a long process as I'm really not artistically talented in such ways as the best map makers are, and had to seek a lot of help from people who all did excellent jobs with the things I had them help with. That being said if the map sucks it's my fault everyone who helped did their best to salvage my work :).

Thanks and credits to Delotrix who sucks and isn't as good as kalvinhobbez but did his best and made amazing visuals. Eponn who is extremely handsome and did all the super cool audio stuff. Skyhawk for helping me with debugging issues and getting things to work how I wanted them to. Sheila , Lightning, Temp, and whoever else has played the dogshit game called league of legends. Zaandaa for testing/advice/script and misc help that I'm not sure how to categorize. Alex/C for script help and letting me steal their work, Tashizuna for amazing sprite work that perfectly captures the league visuals in a dustforce form, and anyone else I'm forgetting (xiamul/indapop? idk )

also thanks miles for not listening to the music <3 , also the apple clues are kinda messed up as it was a bit last minute idk watch a replay xd
edited Mar 5, 2021


said Jan 31, 2021
Can't see shit
said Jan 31, 2021
seriously where is the dust literally can't see it
said Jan 31, 2021
smh who made these visuals, almost as bad as a delo map lmao
said Jan 31, 2021
somebody nerf it
said Jan 31, 2021
well, kalvinhobbez is a high bar
said Jan 31, 2021
you have a good point
said Jan 31, 2021
This map is slicker than a greesy mole rat. +1 rep
said Feb 1, 2021
Nice music
said Feb 3, 2021
said Jan 31, 2021
the sharp map!
said Jan 31, 2021
love the artwork and sounds! much sharp much wow
said Jan 31, 2021
Yay clips for any%
So after grinding for awhile, the song does get kinda repetitive.
said Feb 21, 2021
ya I noticed that too, song has a limit on how long its good for :P
said Feb 1, 2021
i can feel my Irelia growing stronger with every completion.

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