Bird Bending

by TwinkieSWF
created Oct 3, 2020
438 views | 399 downloads

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map notes
"Today, we are going to learn bird bending. Set the broom aside, for that will not be of help. For this exercise, you will need to pick up your mouse. You see, there is an abundance of energy all around us. Many inexperienced bird benders will try to guide the bird with either too much rigidity or too much freedom. A true bird bender, however, will use both. Guide your mouse hand in the direction that you want the bird to go. The air provides freedom of movement, however, the birds will only fly in one direction. Be fluid in your stance and gentle with your guiding hand. Don't guide your mouse hand too fast or slow, nor close or far. Become one with the bird, and curve it straight into the fire." - Uncle Iroh, probably.


said Oct 3, 2020
Fun map
said Oct 3, 2020
Oh shoot I used Toph to finish this instead of Uncle Iroh
said Oct 3, 2020

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