Fruity Loops

by Shin Rekkoha
created Apr 9, 2016
600 views | 3734 downloads

/ 23 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
<IsaVulpes> Is there any consensus what a CMR "should" look like and if yes can someone PM me it cus apparently I have like 1:1 the opposite opinion of Bird.  (lol)

I don't always quote IRC... but when I do, something something memes something drama...

Wow poor Shin is really reaching for map descriptions these days huh?  Hey I sat down and made a map.  It's kinda ramen but it also took me 5 hours so I guess not... it's a fruity map with some stupid loops, then more loops because MORE IS ALWAYS BETTER.  Every section sucks, just ask Snow.  I set out with a goal and I achieved it, this is definitely a map.  Alright, I need to go play Xenoblade Chronicles X for several hours straight.

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Luke's Cat
said Apr 9, 2016
Made it past the forced super once; flailed about and somehow got the SS. I'll leave it at that.
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 9, 2016
The forced super is a feature.  I would typically just make my level and use a No-Super trigger at the start, with an Enable-Super trigger at the end.  Then nobody cheeses anything.  But that trigger literally makes people literally stab other literal people: so I was sure to not use it this time.  Cheesekid can cheese everything anyway, super or no super.
said Apr 9, 2016
Some perhaps cheesy routes allow you get to the end without a super (despite using your super in the forced super location).  Not a fan of getting to the end of the level with SS, and then hitting reset because it's uncompletable.
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 10, 2016
I usually end them with max super triggers too, but I was morally disallowed from using any gameplay changing triggers this time.
said Apr 9, 2016
Shin you messed up. The map is actually fun. 5/5
said Apr 10, 2016
You did loops right. Take notes, everyone.
said Apr 10, 2016
Yeah, the fact that I didn't get stuck or miss dust when speeding through the loops like everyone else's loops is really odd.
said Apr 10, 2016
Didn't feel like using a super in the middle of the map. 5/5
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 10, 2016
I'm sorry.  Only after I posted this map did I realize how inconsistent it is with the last few pages of Atlas.  I'll try harder next time.
said Apr 10, 2016
Ouch, shots fired
said Apr 10, 2016
shit map. i didn't even first try ss.

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