The Caverns

by Seris
created May 13, 2012
1133 views | 1095 downloads

/ 17 votes

/ 14 votes

map notes
My second map. Another super easy one for people that just want to relax.

I decided to spend some time on the backgrounds, so they should be much better than my first go. And, as always, there are some not very secret secrets for you to find.

Let me know if you find anything wrong with it, and I can try and fix it.

You can play the first map, The Reservoir, here
edited May 13, 2012


said May 13, 2012
Lovely looking, smooth map. I really liked the theme you created for yourself here, works very well. One single thing that I noted was that there were one or two occasions where I couldn't see where I was going due to the next platform being out of sight, so you might want to zoom the camera out a little there. Otherwise, great stuff.
said May 13, 2012
Thanks for your comment! The camera tool is still a mystery to me, so sorry about the platforms being out of view. I'll work on it for my next map.
said May 13, 2012
Really nice looking map.
said May 14, 2012
Beautiful background.
said May 18, 2012
One of my favourites. Keep making chill maps.
said Jun 13, 2012
Very well made. I'm glad you put the time in for a quality backdrop. It was definitely worth it.

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