Almond Haze

by Shin Rekkoha
created Sep 13, 2015
475 views | 781 downloads

/ 25 votes

/ 10 votes

map notes
"It looks more like a Peach Fog to me..."

   I don't have much to say about this one; I made this level on stream and it turned out pretty good.  There's some fun stuff to do and a fast any% too.  It's possible I missed something somewhere, but I hope to find only intended strats in the replays.

I put a lot of thought and testing into this map: enjoy.

Recommended Music:
retagged Dec 18, 2015


said Sep 13, 2015
Almond? looks like shit.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 13, 2015
Not according to Crayola.  You calling them liars?
said Sep 13, 2015
Im more of a purple haze fan =^)
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 13, 2015
So, I tried to use every city enemy multiple times throughout the map.  The trashcans are mostly used for flying because that's their only real positive role, but I think it's nice to see them all used with no odd enemy out?  What do you guys think?
said Sep 13, 2015
works for all characters, so I'm all for it
said Sep 14, 2015
trashcans trigger me
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 14, 2015
I got yelled at for making a "triggered" joke yesterday, which triggered me for real's.
said Sep 14, 2015
Nice map =D  cool visuals and flow! I better play ur other maps now o/
said Sep 15, 2015
Great map, really fun
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 15, 2015
I'm glad you liked it.
said Sep 17, 2015
love the map. only thing that bugged me a bit was not being able to see properly when the trash cans die.

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