Shadows in the night

by Mixelz
created May 10, 2015
615 views | 591 downloads

/ 20 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
Well this took a while. I'll be honest I've had this level completed for a long while now. I've just kinda fell out of the community, life/new games/OHLOOKASHINEY kept me from uploading it. But now I've taken the two seconds it takes to upload to upload! So yeah! Hope it was worth the non existent wait!
If not oh well nothing lost.

BTW I may have gone a bit secret happy when creating it. See if you can find/complete them all. ;)


said May 10, 2015
Cool level design, but I cannot see SHIZZLE! :[
said May 10, 2015
the gargoyles especially
Edit: all the mansion enemies are really  hard to spot
edited May 10, 2015
said May 10, 2015
Honestly its not worth my time trying to play a level that I can't see.  Sorry.  If this were done as a blind level where the player actually can't see anything it would be too difficult, but instead I have to squint at the screen and my eyes hurt after just two minutes of looking at it.
said May 10, 2015
>try this on my laptop
>pure black screen
Luke's Cat
said May 11, 2015
I LIKE IT DARK :P reminds me of cleaning my room with the lights out. Such an adventure
Shin Rekkoha
said May 11, 2015
Am I supposed to say "can't see shit", or do I just wait for Vox?

EDIT: The map is way too dark, but it's not a black screen, not for me.  With my bullshit 700 dollar ASUS 2560x1440 beastly master race monitor and its brutal levels of saturation and contrast, I could see the tire coming at me clearly and still play the map.  I did not ENJOY it, and I can definitely see how this map would blind people on laptop screens.
edited May 11, 2015
said May 11, 2015
said May 11, 2015
This comment is uninformative and useless and you should feel bad about posting it.
Shin Rekkoha
said May 11, 2015
irhunter is the best.  He calls my shit maps shit maps.
said May 11, 2015
in that context its a proper descriptor
said May 11, 2015
bro i can't fucking seeeeeeeeeeeee
said May 12, 2015
how do you even make a map like this? how could someone conceivably assume that this level of murkiness is okay to upload? what standards have you applied to determine the "worthiness" of this map?

i'm sorry if i sound harsh, but i really want to understand why exactly you chose to make it THIS hard to see anything. do you think that it evokes a deeper level of gameplay? do you think that it lends artistic merit to the map? what is your motivation behind taking this design choice, one that in my mind, is entirely anathema to the concept of playability?

in other words, y u do dis? seriously. i want to know.
said May 12, 2015
i also want to make it clear that this map was not entirely black for me and that with no small amount of squinting and a fair bit of ocular gymnastics i was able to vaguely discern shapes within its turgid gloom, but doing so was difficult enough that the game of dustforce was, at that point, precluded by the game of "can i see where i am going."
said May 12, 2015
Honestly... I kinda fucked up. I knew that the level had a darkness problem and I did my best to brighten it up to see without compromising the aesthetic of the level but it seems like I failed in that department This is what the level looks like on my computer Bright enough for me to see but I pretty much forgot to take into account how other people have their brightness set.

In the end no matter what way you slice it I honestly didn't think about how the level would look on other computers so I'm kinda suffering for it now. I'll make sure not to make the same mistake on my next level though. ;) As much as it pains me that I fucked up it's not going to deter me from making more levels. Just act as a guiding point on how to make better ones!
said May 12, 2015
Protip sharing a screenshot of your monitor doesn't work for showing colour/brightness balance issues.

Just give the map to a bunch of ppl in the IRC and make sure they are ok with its colour.
said May 12, 2015
Well now I feel even more stupid. :P

Not deleting the link though. Just want to showcase my stupidity.
said May 13, 2015
it's good to know that you've realized that you messed up! don't need to be too hard on yourself; the rest of the map's gameplay actually wasn't that bad and i think, with the right lighting, this map would be quite fun.
said May 13, 2015
Literally what I see on my screen
said May 13, 2015
l o l

On a positive note from the tiny bit that I struggled through, I think the map woulda been fun if I could see.

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