City Errands

by telephonecall
created Nov 18, 2014
441 views | 570 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
My third map


said Nov 18, 2014
shows a TON of promise would be fucking amazing if you fixed some stuff up. Unclear route, hard to distinguish between foreground and background (things blending together), stuff covering the player on layer 20. I'm sure others will give you good examples on what could be improved but i really like the basis, 5/5 even though it has some annoying bits.
said Nov 18, 2014
Yeah, mostly it's the need of a fog trigger changed the background layers to be more... background, but the level itself is really cool and plays well.

I don't think the route being unclear is a bad thing per se, it's compartimentalized into a lot of rooms and you can come up with some way to go through them, which is neat.
said Nov 18, 2014
I'm glad you see some promise in my routing abilities.

Could you elaborate on fog triggers? I can't figure out what they are and what they do and you recommend them a lot.
said Nov 18, 2014
If you come on the IRC I'm sure there will be people able to help you with the basics.
said Nov 20, 2014
Sorry, hadn't seen your reply:
Fog Triggers are a trigger (find it in the list) that lets you set the colour and strength of every layer. It allows you to dim the background a little or make the map have a tinge of green, that sort of thing.
said Nov 18, 2014
Everything is cool apart from that Fan room. What on earth is the route in that?
said Nov 18, 2014
Pretty much this. It was unclear whether the map continued upwards or downwards. And the "left" arrow didn't really help. Otherwise, fun map.
said Nov 18, 2014
Clunky and unfun to play. Looks good. remove a lot of the random dust, and just put it along the essential path. Make it so that the dust is there to prevent you from dropping combo, not there to force you into every nook and cranny. It looks great, and I didn't have too much problem with distinguishing things. Would like to add, never use layer 20 to cover up something you move over. It gives players a sense of unease that something might have been missed in there.
said Nov 18, 2014
I really like this. All the rooms have interesting routes. However: a 45 deg ramp into a flat surface doesn't let you jump here. And since they are different heights you just awkwardly slam into a wall. Either make them the same height or make them jumps. There is no way to boost off this jump to reach the next area. The bottom of the lift needed a ramp to gain speed. The circled dust on the corner seems put there entirely to ruin SS runs. It is near invisible.

Also a bunch of deathzones could be removed to allow for an interesting any%. but that's purely a matter of opinion.
edited Nov 18, 2014
said Nov 18, 2014
Thank you so much for your in-depth analysis! I agree with a lot of what you're saying. I'm somewhat limited by my own capabilities as a player so I often don't see where good players would have issues. I did go a bit overboard with the kill zones but that's because I really wanted people to fully enjoy the map, but I can definitely see how you would want to any% it. The customer is always right and whatnot. In the future I hope to get my maps critiqued by others before publishing them so from now on I can create some truly amazing ones.
said Nov 18, 2014
said Nov 18, 2014
I look forward to your next maps! Your first 3 are already very impressive
said Nov 18, 2014
I like it
said Nov 18, 2014
People already said some of the issues with the map. You seem to respond to feedback really well, My suggestion would be to hop in the IRC and have some people playtest your maps. A fresh set of eyes always helps see any issues you couldve missed, and a lot of the IRC are more veteran players that will play the map differently than you might. Cool maps, keep it up!
said Nov 18, 2014
This is super fun if you know what you're doing. It was super aggravating the first few times through.
Shin Rekkoha
said Nov 18, 2014
As far as fog triggers go, and some of the other suggestions made by others here: I recommend reading ALL of the help tabs within the map editor itself.  A lot of your questions can be explained simply by reading all those pages, such as what fog triggers are and how the sliders work.
said Nov 18, 2014
this is a really awesome maps i can see alot of work went into making this maps nice job and keep it up.

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