Homes of Eden

by timelessgun
created Sep 20, 2014
444 views | 644 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
++++++++I'm so sorry for this reload but, my brother, the map tester, told me there was something wrong with this map. Apparently he was just joking around. So, I am really sorry for this reupload. I have slapped him for good measure. Enjoy! +++++++++++                         

With all the notes I've taken from the last 3 maps, I present to you all...this.
I hope you all like this.
The flow should be to your liking. You might find some mistakes with it; if anything, please let me know. I think the length is really decent. I do, however, want it to be longer. In the future, I might post a 2.0 version that has the length I want.
If you have any themes for a map, please don't hesitate to suggest. I'm kinda running low on ideas. If not, I don't mind taking a break.

§Proofread & Approved by girlfriend. Since I don't do English well.
edited Sep 20, 2014


said Sep 20, 2014
I like this map. It is very pretty, just like your other maps. ^_^

Also that Any% route is AWESOME! I love it so much!

Keep up the good work :d

I don't know if anyone else felt like they were supposed to go left on their first time playing but I did get a bit confused when I went looking for dust in that direction. I did like what I found though. Perhaps make it a little bit more obvious where the actual path is next time. Not too big of an issue though.
said Sep 20, 2014
OK but how, i don't ever want to use a arrow again.... Should i put you right next to the hill as a start point?
said Sep 20, 2014
Just covering the left area with a few more clouds would've been fine. But it's not a huge deal, I wouldn't worry :p
said Sep 20, 2014
ok but this is going to my note book.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 20, 2014
You go left first in my latest map...  Admittedly I leave the player no option whatsoever, but I'm sure there's a happy medium in there.
said Sep 20, 2014
end of the map is way too laggy.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 20, 2014
Not bad but you have to experiment with triggers a bit more to ensure it's obvious what is background and foreground. Also for the beginning, it's best to just make it obvious where go, although I did like the secret you included.
said Sep 20, 2014
Nice map! My only criticism is that it feels sorta congested - kinda like you tried to fit in as much scenery as possible. Should try and direct focus more towards the intended route, and let the background add to that, not the other way around...? idk this made more sense in my head, hope you can take something from it, because I love the work you're putting into these maps!
said Sep 21, 2014
I did design the route and then the background but i do like going crazy with the props. But i understand what your saying, if it looks pretty but doesn't play well what the point.
edited Sep 21, 2014
said Sep 20, 2014
Make a giant underground temple. Like Indiana Jones style.
said Sep 21, 2014
said Sep 21, 2014
Long. The longest.
said Sep 21, 2014
said Sep 21, 2014
Wow! Beautiful backgrounds!
said Sep 22, 2014
My main complaint is that I have no idea what is background and foreground.
said Sep 22, 2014
can you tell me where cause i can't see it ( because i made it, it's hard to tell where i need to improve when it come to this type of thing.
edited Sep 23, 2014

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