
by Shin Rekkoha
created Sep 12, 2014
602 views | 815 downloads

/ 39 votes

/ 12 votes

map notes
With every step you take, you will move closer to your ultimate goal, even if sometimes it seems like you are moving further away...

   This is a map that I think a lot of people will enjoy.  It's deliberately made in a certain style: one that I don't use very often.  Virtual maps are certainly easier to make, of that there is no doubt.

   As for the art, this was one of my favorites.  Spacing everything evenly so that the tiles mesh perfectly puts some tough constraints on level design.  Also, the fog triggers were initially evenly blended from white to black through the layers in a gradient, including layer 20 in the center of the blocks as 100% white.  This looked pretty, but could be hard to play because of the even contrast between every layer.  You may not notice, but there is a HUGE gap in overall brightness between layer 19 and the first background layer.  I sit there and edit my fog triggers over and over, finding a balance between preserving the original artistic idea and making the contrast high enough that it's easy to play and understand.  Remember that other players don't know everything you know as the map-maker.

Enjoy the any%

I forgot a suggested music, but this one fits nicely:
retagged Mar 5, 2016


said Sep 12, 2014
this is really awesome stage i wish i knew how to make stages like you.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 12, 2014
You just open someone else's map, do some "oooh" and some "aaah", reverse engineer what people like, and then you ROCK OUT!  Dat's how you do.
said Sep 12, 2014
Really great design, clever use of dustblocks to form a fast Any% route!

The SS route pulls from the name of the map, and it makes for a great low-difficulty challenge that still ends up being very fun :)

Also I love the greenish lights, good work with minimal visual design!
said Sep 12, 2014
I tried so hard to make dustman as fast as dustkid... i just couldn't. I'm sorry everyone
said Sep 12, 2014
No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't do it.
said Sep 12, 2014
And so dustkid screamed with glee because for once in her life she wasn't slow because she was fat, she was fast because she was fat, and then she ate her victory poptart, and it tasted better then any poptart she had ever eaten.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 13, 2014
Jokes on you nerds!  Dustgirl is #1 in any%.  Despite all your best efforts, Dustgirl ascends to the throne and usurps The Kid.
said Sep 12, 2014
And that's when i tried dustkid on dustfarce and realized that dustman actually has higher max fall speed....
said Sep 13, 2014
If you didn't already know that, that kind of surprises me.  If my understanding of game physics are correct, her low max fall speed is a factor in most of her problems.
said Sep 13, 2014
I'm a dustkid hater, almost as much as i am a dustworth hater. The only good thing about kid is that you can use shury kirby skin. :p

said Sep 13, 2014
Not much of a fan of this map, to be totally honest. Way too much groundboosting and not many ways to optimize it with tighter movements.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 13, 2014
Well yeah.  Castle Run has way more room for optimization.  It's much better.
said Sep 13, 2014
For such a simple layout, I had lots of fun with this one.

4/5 m8

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