
by SubparFiddle
created Nov 16, 2013
755 views | 862 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
Please don't have a seizure...

I liked how the prism hopping between random spiky squares turn out in Marigold, so this map is just a bit more of that.
edited Nov 17, 2013


Probably not Towelie
said Nov 16, 2013
Ah you're back :)
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 16, 2013
Although I'm stumped on how to go through this one

Nevermind I got it :)

Camera could use a bit of work though, might want to make it a junction rather than one way for the wall run section or just detach it. Background is superb as always, nice!
edited Nov 16, 2013
said Nov 16, 2013
If you would just go the way I want you to go, I wouldn't have to put up with all this crap! :)

Yeah, after watching the replays I realized I didn't test it quite enough for different routes.  Oh well.  I tried using a camera junction there, but it interfered with the interest point to the left...  Anytime your level loops back around on itself, cameras get a bit complicated :)
said Nov 16, 2013
You're back! <3

That fade-in effect at the start, omg :D
said Nov 17, 2013
If you don't already know how to do that, when you save your map whichever filter you have activated at that time will be what starts when you play the level.  It then transitions to the filter you have at your spawn point.  I really like the effect.
said Nov 17, 2013
I don't care what your gender is. Please marry me.
said Nov 17, 2013
Not very fond of the fact that there's parts that force you to slow down unless you dash-jump.
said Nov 17, 2013
By "dash-jump" I assume you mean that glitch where you dash and jump at the same time in air? Eh, newfangled meta-mechanics wankery.  I don't even consider that when I make a level! :)
As far as having to slow down, I've always leaned more towards the finesse aspect of Dustforce, rather than the "oh shit, oh shit gotto go fast gotta go gotta go DASH DASH DASH DASH DASH DASH" that seems to be the norm.  Having sections where you have to slow down and be more methodical with your jumps, interspersed with "Whee! Slope jump! DASH DASH" gives a nice balance, I feel.
said Nov 17, 2013
I think that what you said here is very good, you certainly have a valid opinion. However, you must remember that this game is designed for a whole "Finish as quickly as possible, get a fast time!" kinda feel.

In my opinion, the 'perfect' level in terms of gameplay is not one with heaps of 'flow' that is easy to keep, or a level that is fun to finish quickly. It should be more about being less punishing to the player for losing flow, whilst still retaining a level of difficulty. I don't feel like there are many custom maps that accomplish this 'perfect' kind of feel. However, a lot of the game's default maps do so very well.

Essentially, I think that we, the mapmaking community, need to draw more inspiration from the developer maps in terms of level design - not so much "Hey, this section looks nice, I might use it", more like "Hey, this level is fun to play, yet also challenging, and I can see I have room for improvement... I might try and recreate this feeling in my own level!".

If that makes sense :)
said Nov 18, 2013
Maps like Hideout, Abyss and Concrete Temple (just to name a few) are more about finesse and less about speed (Park, Downhill etc). Maps definitely don't always need to be about all the 'gottagofast' thing and I'm kinda glad that we have a lot of variety between map makers over here :3

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