Taken Back

by Probably not Towelie
created Nov 7, 2013
500 views | 857 downloads

/ 24 votes

/ 17 votes

map notes
So this is basically the same level as Taken Aback except its not. Anyways, it is supposed to be the same city and mountain in Taken Aback except seen from a different angle. Almost as if the same worker there before, is now working at a different construction site looking at the same city.
edited Mar 19, 2018


said Nov 7, 2013
'Tis gut C:
said Nov 7, 2013
I likes it, but I wish you wouldn't put death zones everywhere, spikes are good enough!  If someone is crazy enough to do strats with spike stands or whatever I'd say let them do it!
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 7, 2013
meh, I dont want people comming to me after telling me they fell down into another checkpoint so I put deathzones. People still get mad and tell me they want more freedom. Cant win here
said Nov 7, 2013
But your map goes upwards! Can't fall into them that way!  I do like the way you did the checkpoints by the way, neat locations for them.
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 7, 2013
Thanks! Making maps is a frustrating ordeal :\
said Nov 7, 2013
This map fuels my hate fire for spikes.
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 8, 2013
Woops :/
said Nov 8, 2013
I still give it a 5 xD
said Nov 8, 2013
the background is super beautiful and the map itself really fun :-) and you can always count on good old dustworth for climbing levels ^^
said Nov 9, 2013

Solid map.

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