
by Sivade
created Sep 18, 2013
498 views | 731 downloads

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map notes
So this was my second time ever messing around with the map editor and first time ever really trying to make a map with it... This took me way too long considering how short and simple it is. I tried to test it all as I went so so the placements shouldn't be too bad I hope. It should be possible to ss with all characters as well.

Also I don't have any idea how to change the name after making the map. I was thinking about naming it buggy stars because I had a small issue with the stars not showing up when I loaded the map but well this isn't really supposed to be a real serious attempt at a map... just something I wasted a bit too much time on.
edited Apr 15, 2014


said Sep 18, 2013
Stars don't show up in the editor sometimes even if you have them turned on, it's weird.

To rename the map you go to the Level Settings tab on the bar at the top (second to last on the right, just before help) and type what you want the level to be called in the Level Name box.
said Sep 18, 2013
it seems you just have to stack the trigger twice to get the stars to show up right away. and thank you i'll remember the map naming bit in case i ever make a map(and then i'll spend even longer trying to think of something to name it)
said Sep 18, 2013
in case i ever make ANOTHER map*
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 18, 2013
Considering that its a first map it's definitely not bad, however it could use some camera work at the drop onto the small ramp because it was a blind drop
said Sep 19, 2013
yeah that drop.. i was going to do one of those long drops where you fall through a bunch of dust just a little bit past the checkpoint at first and gave up on that when i realized i don't have any idea what to do with the camera.

i did add that little arrow in the middle of the heavy where you drop at though so you can line up with the arrow and drop directly onto the ramp. it's not perfect but it helped me get used to it.

(ps thank you for saying my map is not bad)
said Sep 18, 2013
agree with towelie; just a little camera work on the drop is definitely needed.

the rest of the map is quite good actually. initially, i found the area with the spike chimney and one light and one heavy prism a little weird, but it wasn't too bad after a little practice. placements are good too.

also i like that you made an effort with triggers and stuff; the stars and sky especially look quite pretty. (i'm very partial to stars)
said Sep 18, 2013
(literally all my maps have them)
said Sep 19, 2013
thanks :). the background was initially just some random virtual tile colored grey or something. i think and i changed it and accidentally saved it when i started messing around with the triggers.

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