Maplers Daily Shit Map 7

by mapler90210
created Aug 8, 2013
451 views | 684 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
I actually kind of like this one. The secret is also pretty cool imo. Hope you guys enjoy.

Virtual characters didn't look as good when I tested it, so I decided against them.

EDIT: Not sure if these will be daily from now on. Priority will go to SS All Levels practice if I only have time for one or the other. Hopefully it won't come to that.
edited Aug 8, 2013


said Aug 8, 2013
Part before the end with the prisms floating all over the place feels reaaaaally luck based. Liked the rest of it.
said Aug 8, 2013
that section was my only real regret in this level. I wanted to make it so you could cue up the spikes on your own by dashing out and then back, but then you couldn't reach the spike with a light attack. I also shouldn't have made that one double sided because the prism got in the way there. And to top it all off it was hard to work with the spikes. they shoot off at really steep angles. In addition I didn't have much room to work with because when I had the camera zoomed out it took FOREVER to kill shit far away, but I need to have room for death planes in between the objects and the purple area. In fact the secret is there because I accidentally put a prism too close to the purple.

Anyways yeah, not being able to control the spikes in that section was bad. I tried to leave enough room that you could choose what height to hit the spike from, so that it was at least slightly in your control. It occurs to me now that with a larger platform to stand on you could just walk over then walk back, but I didn't think of that last night.
said Aug 8, 2013
said Aug 8, 2013
I think it woulda been fine the way it is if the prisms just didn't go above and below where you could send the spikes, you could still have some control in hitting them everytime. Its not too bad though once you get used to the level and can get down there with similar times and have some idea where to jump to and aim them.
edited Aug 8, 2013
said Aug 8, 2013
While I personally don't really like spike-aiming technique maps, I think you did this one very well. It looks sleek and the deathbox boundary thing is really cool, it would be awesome to see more maps from you :D
said Aug 8, 2013
Super Administrator
Pretty interesting.  Can you give a hint about the secret?  Can I step into the blackness anywhere?

Also I like these maps.  Lots of short, no-commitment maps means you get to test out a bunch of ideas fast.  Always look forward to a MDSM.
edited Aug 8, 2013
said Aug 8, 2013
Yes, you can escape the purple somewhere. I'm not sure how to just hint at it, but think about  the fact that I had to physically place kill planes around the map and the fact that kill planes act on "enemies" as well.
said Aug 9, 2013
Interesting map although personally I don't have the patience for these kind of levels :p

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