
by Meark
created Jul 5, 2013
1103 views | 1428 downloads

/ 52 votes

/ 24 votes

map notes
Here we go...
losing control...
slipping down the rabbit hole.
Some say everyone is mad down there.

Hope you guys enjoy this one. Took a while to make this so even if you do speed through it, take some time later to enjoy the madness. :)
retagged Jun 8, 2014


said Jul 5, 2013
WOW! If I could give 6 stars I would! My first run I was only busy looking around me! Be careful with making the camera angle too small, it could get a bit hard to anticipate where you are going then. Overall definitely one of the most beautiful maps out there!
edited Jul 5, 2013
said Jul 5, 2013
Haha thank you.
I'll take that into consideration next time I make a map. I just didn't want it to be big to see everything else.
said Jul 5, 2013
Awesome map! Love the flowers!
said Jul 5, 2013
Thank you. I think that was the hardest part to figure out how to make them look really big.
said Jul 5, 2013
Brilliantly designed.  Well done :D
said Jul 5, 2013
Yay thank you. :)
said Jul 5, 2013
Beautiful in both the visuals and the flow. Very nicely done. Only complaint was, as ABoss mentioned, the camera being a bit close at points.
said Jul 6, 2013
Thank you. I'll try next time to not to zoom in so much.
said Jul 5, 2013
Looks really great. It's one of those levels where I'm baffled how people are able to use the given rudimentary tools in such creative ways.

Regardless, I think that aspect goes a little overboard and detriments the gameplay a bit. The biggest problem is that stray dust can be really hard to spot in some places, which makes AS scores feel really cheap. Also makes some parts hard to optimize due to not being able to clearly see where the solid tiles are (like the section where you walljump off a tree onto another and then drop onto a rock).

Also agree with ABoss that the camera is too small, which forces you to memorize sections because you cannot do them on reaction.

Good effort nonetheless.
said Jul 6, 2013
Thank you. I still have a lot to learn in my level making career haha. If I do make props over actual tiles ill try to make it more noticeable.
said Jul 5, 2013
Ehehe, "Down the rabbit hole".

I have 2 problems with this level.
One, similar to what Kuro said - Overdoing the visual aspects. Don't get me wrong, this is one hell of a beautiful level, you did an amazing job there. But I think everything else happening in the foreground & background makes you lose focus of what's happening in the actual level. Also, there's nothing I hate more than putting blocks behind props (e.g. jumping on trees). :/
Two, as ABoss said, the camera is too close at some points.

But my god, your levels are putting mine to shame.
said Jul 5, 2013
Magnet where is the collab maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap?
said Jul 5, 2013
Magnet pls
said Jul 5, 2013
As far as I know, it's with Furkie :o
said Jul 6, 2013
I guess it's a good thing I scrapped one of my levels which revolved around the idea of tree climbing haha. Like I said I'll try to make it more noticeable next time if I do the prop over actual tiles thing. Thank you though and you have some good levels so  I don't know what you are talking about
said Jul 7, 2013
Haha my levels may be alright, but they're nothing compared to yours. :D
said Jul 5, 2013
This is amazing and omg, teach me how to use fog triggers! All mine look so ugly. QQ
said Jul 6, 2013
Haha I'm still kind of learning them myself but yours don't even look ugly. You and Magnet are both crazy. :P
said Jul 7, 2013
lol mine. I haven't used any in the maps I've submitted :P. I meant the ones I use when I'm making a map but end up deleting them because they turn out bad.
said Jul 7, 2013
I'm not that good :P
I can never make a convincing sky... they always look like absolute garbage!

Speaking of which, does anybody have the default fog settings? What shows before you place a trigger.
said Jul 5, 2013
First until Seight comes along and groundboosts flawlessly for a sub-45s time.
said Jul 5, 2013
My ground boosts are actually quite awful!
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 5, 2013
That would be my job.

Edit: Kablam.
edited Jul 5, 2013
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 5, 2013
Also this map is absolutely gorgeous, I thought the Alice in the little bottle at the beginning was a hilarious touch. Great job and keep up the good work with these maps of yours!
said Jul 6, 2013
Thanks. I'll try to keep improving.
said Jul 5, 2013
Looks really nice, and would play great, but the combination of a ridiculous amount of dust everywhere (That restricts a ton of strategies) and way too many foreground elements (imo) that cover them make this level really really -really- frustrating.

Reminds me of Nerph's level that was black and white with near invisible dust everywhere. I loved the gameplay, but I just gave up on it because getting 500 AS's in a row just makes me want to pull my hair out.

Edit:Most of this was out of frustration at the time, just wanted to be clear I think the level is pretty amazing. It just could have been a bit more amazing. Sorry if it sounded negative.
edited Jul 6, 2013
said Jul 6, 2013
Sorry for the frustration. I'm still think about making a level that's a non dust level and just one to stroll around in or something like just a time attack one. It didn't sound negative but constructive feedback which is good. :) Thank you.
said Jul 6, 2013
After playing it more, its really grown on me. So don't worry about it haha. Probably should have just waited on playing it since I had just gotten home from work at the time.

Keep up the good work! =)
said Jul 6, 2013
First City Heights, then Alpine, and now this.  I am in awe of your work.
said Jul 6, 2013
Aww thank you. It makes me happy when people like what I make. :D
said Jul 6, 2013
Sorry everyone for the late replies, but thank you for the comments and feedback.
said Jul 8, 2013
Aligning props with terrain is something you executed really well in this level. Cheers to that
said Jul 13, 2013
Thank you. :)
said Jul 15, 2013
wow this map is great, good flow and design! 5 stars
said Sep 4, 2013
said Jun 5, 2014
Flowers are so awesome :D
said Jan 22, 2015
Awesome job both making the level fun to play and making it beautiful to look at!

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