
by Kuroonehalf
created Jun 19, 2013
671 views | 836 downloads

/ 14 votes

/ 10 votes

map notes
While replaying Giga difficult I found out that spike jumps are actually extremely useful for slopes without spikes. I found it so interesting that I couldn't help myself and made this.

Thanks to Takari and Furkiepurkie for helping me test this.

ps: The NPCs say things!
ps: Made a small tweak to make dying easier when you fail certain sections. Sorry folks who already had times on the leader board.


said Jun 19, 2013
wuaooowww d sky is pretty~~~
said Jun 19, 2013
Too hard for me the final part :(
Very nice the end, it would've been nice to have those colors for the whole level...it reminds me the finish of the map "Stairway to Heaven".
said Jun 19, 2013
You mean the rising section or having to go under that last spike wall? The rising section should be fairly intuitive, you just have to land on the first platform correctly. Try double-jumping to get to the prism, and the jumping again after you hit it. It should give you plenty of time to align your jump.

edit: I found your problem.... You're not spikejumping. No wonder you're having troubles. lol
Is the explanation on how to spikejump a little ambiguous?
edited Jun 19, 2013
said Jun 19, 2013
Ahah yeah I know the problem but I'm an awful spikejumper :(
SA is the best I can do for now, without using spikejumping I lose my combo in the final rising section :I

Anyway fun and original level!
edited Jun 19, 2013
said Jun 19, 2013
It seems some people are having trouble dashing down onto the small triangles. Try aiming for the top tip of the triangle, instead of aiming for the middle of the 45ยบ surface. The game still interprets it as part of the surface so you'll spikejump just fine, but you'll also have more leniency in case you overshoot the jump.
said Jun 19, 2013
Hardest map ever.
My left + down +z is ghosting i cant pass the part when you need to spike jump to the left
said Jun 19, 2013
Drats, that sucks. Can't do anything about it though. Ghosting pretty much kills any advanced mechanics you might want to use. If you're on a desktop then replacing your keyboard shouldn't be too expensive, and it'd fix your ghosting problem.
said Jun 20, 2013
I can't imagine playing this game without a controller. The keyboard just gives you so much less control in a game like this.
said Jun 20, 2013
Must disagree, a keyboard gives you a ton of control. You're not pressing buttons with your thumbs but rather with the tip of your fingers, much like a piano. And to press diagonal directions you don't need to have a finger touch both directional keys, you just have a finger on each key.
said Jun 20, 2013
edit: FINALLY! SSed it! :)
edited Jun 20, 2013
said Jun 19, 2013
Bouncing Shoes!!
said Jun 19, 2013
Yet another absolutely divine map from the mind of Kuro.
said Jun 19, 2013
Oh please, Magny-poo, you're too kind.
edited Jun 19, 2013
said Jun 19, 2013
I somehow managed to read that as "Mouldy-poo", haha.
said Jun 20, 2013
Great map I was OK at spike jumping before but this level is really good for refining the technique. I like the climbing spike jump just before the end. Prob the best spike jump themed map out there. Great job man. Appreciate the tips as well.
said Jun 27, 2013
Super Administrator
You guys are crazy

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