Chronostatic Arbor

by arbitraryasian
created Sep 26, 2023
292 views | 65 downloads

/ 9 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
Even amidst the endless march of time
May lay places so forgotten, so erased from Humanity's mind,
That even in the face of inexorable motion linger in sleep.
And yet even in these static reveries
Where and when epochs and eras reside in unsettling stillness,
Life remains.

My contribution for DLC5 week 1.
Much thanks to:
Zaandaa, eponn, and mister_simon for gameplay feedback and suggestions,
BigDiesel for developing the DLC5 week 1 map theme,
Zaandaa and eponn for quite a large chunk of artistic direction,
and eponn for the music.

Thanks and enjoy!

Key Times
Red 2+    35.50
Red 1    36.00
Gold 3    37.00
Gold 2    38.00
Gold 1    39.00
Silver 3    40.00
Silver 2    43.00
Silver 1    46.00
Wood 3    50.00
Wood 2    55.00
Wood 1    60.00
edited Sep 26, 2023

1 comment

said Oct 3, 2023
this is sick gj

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