slide madness

by Grasshopper
created Oct 5, 2012
318 views | 641 downloads

/ 10 votes

/ 6 votes


map notes
This is a fun level with a few slides and dangers have fun! :)


said Oct 6, 2012
Hi I think it would be great if anyone wanted to post a comment :)
said Oct 6, 2012
Sorry but it's not very good :(

It's too simple, there's only flat ground and slides, that's not very interesting. And things like the wall to the left break the rhythm which definitely isn't fun.

Good luck for your next map :) Check out the top rated custom maps for inspiration.
said Oct 6, 2012
It's not terrible, but there is pretty much no flow. Slides are definitely always fun, but you need to kill your momentum to get rid of enemies and there's spikes right at the bottom of one.
said Oct 12, 2012
yeah I think I see where you are coming from Wiwiweb I don't think it's that great of a start too much really but it is my first level I have ever made in a level editor of any sorts... for that I thought it was an alright go.
Thank you for your input I am sure it will help in the future
said Oct 12, 2012
Thank you Tinker... I have also noticed that there are many levels with keys in dustforce that get you killed at least the first 5 times through. Yes I agree with the spikes thank you for your input and I will try to make it work out ;)

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