Rainy hall

by mistabean
created May 28, 2020
390 views | 250 downloads

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map notes
You awaken in a broken world. Humans have gone extinct. There is, however, a lot of dust. You get to work.


said May 28, 2020
Alright here goes as you wanted criticism. The camera for the map is kinda terrible but i can appriciate the effort. What you would want to do is have it show areas before you reach it yourself. You can do this by either using interest nodes or zooming out a bit. The camera was also sorta jumpy which is generally not very good. The gameplay feels a bit too tight with movement and it's not too interesting for my personal enjoyment. There are some cool aspects where u can keep the boost but im not sure if that is intended. Dust spread is bad.

If you want the map to feel a bit more "alive" I would recommend using the blocks on layer 6-11 a bit more. You can see this being used in almost all the maps. For the theme I'd say it's pretty good. There is not too much to expect from your third map. I could give you more in-depth information regarding the things listed above, but i feel like it is getting too dragged out. If you do need help feel free to message me and ill do my best to help.
said May 30, 2020
One specific thing about the camera is that it doesn't start with a connect node where you've set the player spawn. So when you get close enough to the first normal node the camera snaps over to it.

Aside from that / some things delo mentioned, I did enjoy. Looking forward to more from you!
said May 28, 2020
This one feels sorta awkward to maneuver and clunky to me but it looked really nice.

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